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Water Mission Responding with Emergency Safe Water for People in the Caribbean Displaced by Hurricane Beryl

Hurricane Beryl is the Earliest Atlantic Ocean Storm to Reach Category Five Intensity as it Continues its Destructive Path Across Multiple Caribbean Countries

CARIBPR WIRE, N. CHARLESTON, S.C., Fri. July 05, 2024: Water Mission, a Christian engineering nonprofit, is responding to the ongoing destruction from Hurricane Beryl impacting multiple countries throughout the Caribbean region, including Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, and heading toward Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. A Water Mission Disaster Assistance Response Team has been deployed to Grenada, bringing safe water treatment equipment with the ability to meet daily safe water needs for thousands of people. Union Island, part of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, was particularly hard hit, with the country’s Prime Minister recently sharing that 90 percent of structures, including homes, have been destroyed. Water Mission is actively coordinating water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) efforts with local government authorities.

“Waterborne diseases are a critical concern in the days and weeks after a disaster,” said Water Mission CEO and President George C. Greene IV, PE. “Water Mission’s Disaster Assistance Response Team is well versed in quickly mobilizing and collaborating with partners on the ground to bring emergency safe water as quickly as possible where it is needed most.”

Hurricane Beryl is the earliest category five storm to ever form in the Atlantic Ocean and has caused deaths and displaced thousands of people across several countries. It is expected to hit Mexico today as a weakened, yet still destructive, storm that will bring high winds and potential flash flooding. Water Mission has in-country offices in Mexico with established WASH programs. Staff and resources in the region have mobilized to help assess and respond to emerging safe water needs as they arise.

Water Mission has more than 20 years of experience responding to natural disasters and humanitarian crises with immediate and long-term safe water solutions. Over the last two years, Water Mission has responded to flooding in East Africa, earthquakes in Turkey, flooding in Pakistan, cholera outbreaks in Malawi, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Water Mission’s global operations have served more than 8 million people since 2001.

Click here to learn more about Water Mission’s Hurricane Beryl disaster response efforts as the organization rushes staff and equipment to get clean, safe water flowing where it’s needed most for displaced men, women, and children.

About Water Mission
Water Mission is a Christian engineering nonprofit that builds sustainable safe water solutions for people in developing countries, refugee camps, and disaster areas. Since 2001, Water Mission has served more than 8 million people in more than 60 countries, sharing safe water and the message of God’s love. Water Mission’s global headquarters is in North Charleston, SC, and the organization serves people in Africa; Asia; and North, South, and Central America. Charity Navigator has awarded Water Mission its top four-star rating 17 years in a row, a distinction shared by less than 1% of the charities rated by the organization. To learn more, visit, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter.

A video accompanying this announcement is available at

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Water Mission responde con agua segura de emergencia para personas en el Caribe desplazadas por el huracán Beryl

El huracán Beryl es la primera tormenta en el océano atlántico en alcanzar categoría cinco de intensidad mientras continúa su trayectoria destructiva en varios países del Caribe

CARIBPR WIRE, NORTH CHARLESTON, Carolina del Sur, July 06, 2024: Water Mission, una organización cristiana de ingeniería sin ánimo de lucro, responde a la destrucción actual del huracán Beryl que afecta a múltiples países en toda la región del Caribe, incluyendo Barbados, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Jamaica, Islas Caimán y se dirige hacia la península de Yucatán en México. Un Equipo de Respuesta de Asistencia ante Desastres de Water Misison fue desplegado a Granada, para llevar equipos de tratamiento de agua segura con la capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades diarias de agua segura para miles de personas. Union Island, parte de San Vicente y las Granadinas, fue particularmente golpeada con fuerza, y el Primer Ministro del país recientemente compartió que el 90 por ciento de las estructuras, incluyendo hogares fueron destruidas. Water Mission está coordinando activamente los esfuerzos de agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH) con las autoridades del gobierno local.

“Las enfermedades transmitidas por el agua son una preocupación crítica en los días y semanas posteriores a un desastre”, dijo el director ejecutivo y presidente de Water Mission, George C. Greene IV, PE. “El Equipo de Respuesta ante Desastres de Water Mission es muy diestro en movilizar y colaborar rápidamente con socios sobre el terreno para llevar agua segura de emergencia lo más rápido posible donde más se necesita”.

El huracán Beryl es la primera tormenta de categoría cinco formada hasta hoy en el Océano Atlántico y ha causado muertes y desplazado a miles de personas en varios países. Se espera que hoy golpee a México como una tormenta debilitada, pero aún destructiva, que traerá fuertes vientos y posibles inundaciones repentinas. Water Mission tiene oficinas locales en México con programas de WASH establecidos. El personal y los recursos de la región se movilizaron para ayudar a evaluar y responder a las necesidades emergentes de agua segura a medida que surgen.

Water Mission tiene más de 20 años de experiencia respondiendo a desastres naturales y crisis humanitarias con soluciones de agua segura inmediatas y a largo plazo. En los últimos dos años, Water Mission ha respondido a inundaciones en África Oriental, terremotos en Turquía, inundaciones en Pakistán, brotes de cólera en Malawi y el conflicto actual en Ucrania. Las operaciones globales de Water Mission han servido a más de ocho millones de personas desde 2001.

Para más información acerca de los esfuerzos de respuesta al desastre del huracán Beryl de Water Mission, haga clic aquí mientras que la organización apresura al personal y al equipo para que el agua limpia y segura fluya donde más se necesita para los hombres, mujeres y niños desplazados.

Acerca de Water Mission
Water Mission es una organización cristiana de ingeniería sin ánimo de lucro que crea soluciones sostenibles de agua segura para personas en países en desarrollo, campamentos de refugiados y áreas de desastre. Desde 2001, Water Mission ha atendido a más de ocho millones de personas en más de 60 países, compartiendo agua segura y el mensaje del amor de Dios. La sede mundial de Water Mission está en North Charleston, Carolina del Sur, y la organización atiende a personas en África; Asia; y América del Norte, del Sur y Central. Charity Navigator ha otorgado a Water Mission su máxima calificación de cuatro estrellas 17 años consecutivos, una distinción compartida por menos del 1% de las organizaciones benéficas calificadas por la organización. Para más información, visite, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube o Twitter.

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Howard Law Professor and Founder of the Garvey-Nkrumah Development Incubator Appointed to World Bank-ICSID Panel by President Biden

CaribPR Wire, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. June 4, 2024: U.S. President Joseph R. Biden has appointed Howard Law Professor and Founder of the Garvey-Nkrumah Development Incubator, John Woods, Jr., to the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Panel of Arbitrators and Conciliators. ICSID is the world’s leading international arbitration institution dedicated to investor-state dispute settlement. Professor Woods will serve a six-year term on the Panel, through 2030.

Commenting on the appointment, Mr. Woods said: “I am humbled that I was selected by President Biden to serve in this capacity.  From the quest to sustain industrial peace to formulating equitable solutions in addressing international investment disputes, the world is increasingly leaning in and leveraging ADR to resolve both domestic and cross-border conflict.  I am excited to serve and contribute to advancing this effort.”

Attorney Woods brings over 20 years of experience in international law and dispute resolution, offering his expertise in legal, international development, and dispute resolution services across the U.S., Caribbean, South America, Central America, Europe, and Africa. His areas of specialization include transportation, construction, professional sports, labor, commercial transactions, securities, international investment, and real estate.

Recently, Woods was awarded a Fulbright Scholars Award (2024) for the Garvey-Nkrumah Development Incubator, a cross-cultural development program he founded. This initiative from Woods’ AFCA Development Group is a summer leadership and professional development program aimed at training aspiring lawyers of African descent in the US, the Caribbean, and Africa. The focus is on fields that serve as pillars to international and economic development and where such lawyers are grossly underrepresented: international law, trade & development, public policy, and conflict resolution.

The program, founded in 2022 is coordinated in partnership with a consortium of U.S., Caribbean, and African colleges and universities, including Howard University School of Law (ADR Program), the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) Law School, The University of the West Indies (UWI) Faculty of Law (Cave Hill Campus, Barbados), and UWI-Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy, and Services, as well as international governmental organizations, including the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.

Established in honor of international civil rights leaders, political theorists, and dignitaries Marcus Garvey and Kwame Nkrumah, this fellowship provides a comprehensive “experiential learning laboratory” for program participants.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A photo for use with this article is available HERE

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