Posts Tagged ‘Haitian Earthquake’

Nixle Encourages Residents Nationwide to Sign Up for Authenticated Information From Local Police Departments Regarding the Haitian Earthquake

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15 /PRNewswire/ — To protect against Internet fraud and ensure Haiti earthquake relief donations reach the intended destinations, the FBI released an in-depth alert yesterday on how U.S. residents can safely help Haitians through contributions. The FBI Alert reached the nation’s 18,000 police departments. For the first time, through one standardized service, more than 170,000 Americans received the FBI’s safety instructions over their cell phones. The Alert was delivered directly from local police departments throughout the country to resident’s cell phones through the secure Nixle Community Information Service. The information included specific tips and guidelines to ensure that donations are being sent to the appropriate places.  Never before have public safety officials had the ability to deliver this type of information directly to the public in a secure and immediate way.

 Residents and agencies nationwide are being encouraged to utilize Nixle, the Community Information Service that delivers authenticated, real-time updates and alerts to citizen subscribers via text, email, and web.

 Since the service launched ten months ago, more than 3,600 police departments in 49 U.S. states have begun using Nixle to distribute relevant news and information. Some departments, such as the NYPD’s 24th precinct, are also using Nixle to encourage residents to reach out to the department for assistance if they have family members in Haiti.

 Craig Mitnick, founder and CEO of Nixle said, “This is such an important informational tool for delivering critical information, and we want all Americans to have access to it.”

 Nixle has a strategic partnership with the International Justice and Public Safety Network, Nlets. Nlets links together every state, local, and federal law enforcement, justice and public safety agency for the purpose of exchanging critical information. Nixle’s technology is integrated into the Nlets system allowing for a secure and authenticated way for government agencies to push out relevant information to geographically targeted residents.

 ”With Nixle, residents have information affecting their neighborhoods in their hands instantly. It’s relevant and local,” said David B. Mitchell, former Secretary of Homeland Security for the state of Delaware. “But the system also lets us share critical information with federal, state, and local first responders. The message that was put out by thousands of local law enforcement agencies today about the scheme to steal money from the Haiti relief project helps keep our citizens aware and safe.”

 About Nixle

Nixle is a community information service provider built exclusively to provide secure and reliable communications. It is the first authenticated and secure service that connects municipal agencies and community organizations to residents in real time, delivering information to geographically targeted consumers over their cell phones (via text messages), through e-mails and via Web access. Nixle has secured a partnership with Nlets (the International Justice and Public Safety Network), allowing local police departments nationwide to send immediate alerts and advisories. Privately funded Nixle, which has offices in New Jersey and California, is available at no cost to all governments, their agencies and organizations, nongovernmental organizations and consumers. For more information, visit

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