Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

Foundation Laid For Christian Revival In Europe… Successful Conclusion Of The Word Seminar In France

Revelation Prophecies and Their Fulfillment Revealed… Over 7,000 Participants Including 1,000 Pastors

Chairman Lee Man-hee: “Perceive Revelation and Teach It to Your Church Members”

European Pastors in Attendance: “We Want to Learn Revelation”… Expectation for Church Revival Through Continuous Exchange

CARIBPR WIRE, WASHINGTON, D.C., Mon. June 17, 2024: “The teachings that explain the Book of Revelation were truly profound and amazing. I want to learn more about the Bible, and if invited to Korea, I will start preparing my ticket (airfare) right away.”

This was the impression shared by Pastor Delly Delphin Matondo of the Full Gospel denomination, who participated in the Bible Seminar held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Lee Man-hee; hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church) in Paris, France on June 15 (local time).

Many other pastors who attended the European Bible Seminar also expressed a strong desire to hear more about Shincheonji Church’s teachings on the Book of Revelation.

The seminar took place at a critical time when measures were urgently needed as Europe’s Christian influence declined, with churches being sold off and repurposed as restaurants, bars, and clubs. This Bible Seminar was part of the “2024 Continental Bible Seminar” series that began in the Philippines on April 20, and was organized in response to numerous requests from pastors eager for a revival in Europe.

With over 7,000 participants, including 1,000 European pastors, the event garnered significant attention. Prior to the seminar, a discussion on “The Role of Pastors for the Spiritual Enlightenment of Christians Today” was held.

Following this, attendees watched a video lecture by Chairman Lee Man-hee from the “Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation” held in Korea on June 8.

In his lecture, Chairman Lee stated, “God’s work is fulfilled according to the unalterable Book of Revelation. Everyone listening to this lecture must know who is being referred to in Revelation,” emphasizing, “I hope all pastors will perceive these words and teach them to their congregants. You must teach your church members without adding or subtracting from Revelation.”

After Chairman Lee’s lecture, Simon Tribe Leader Lee Seung-joo provided an explanation of the meaning of biblical prophecies and their fulfillment, addressing European pastors with an appeal.

Tribe Leader Lee stated, “The fulfilled words of Revelation have life in them, and as more people are re-created in God’s image and likeness through these words, (European churches) will also experience revival. I encourage you to learn and testify from Revelation chapters 1 to 22 through Shincheonji Church’s Zion Christian Mission Center, which has produced over 100,000 graduates annually in recent years.”

During subsequent exchanges among pastors, a pastor from Austria commented, “I was impressed that Shincheonji Church focuses on the prophetic words written in the Bible. I want to work with enthusiastic and bright people for God’s kingdom and work. I would like to know how to collaborate and learn more about Revelation.”

A pastor from Poland also remarked, “Seeing European pastors and believers united brought tears to my eyes. I want to share these words with more people. Please tell me how I can spread this message to many others.”

According to data from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in the United States, Europe’s Christian population increased to 560 million in the 2000s but has stagnated this year (2024) and is expected to decrease to 490 million by 2050.

As European society modernized and industrialized, it began to secularize. The rise of liberal theology led to a decline in Bible-based teachings within churches. Additionally, the rapid rise of atheism and religious pluralism, coupled with various clergy scandals, has caused Christianity to lose trust and struggle to find its direction. It is hoped that this Bible Seminar will serve as a catalyst for the revival of European churches.

A representative from Shincheonji Church stated, “After this Bible Seminar, many European pastors have inquired about how they can learn Revelation from Shincheonji Church. We are preparing places and programs where they can learn, and we will further activate Zion Christian Mission Centers across Europe to expand platforms for their education.”

The representative also mentioned, “Pastors worldwide have requested additional Bible Seminars to learn more about Revelation. We are planning and preparing a Bible Seminar at the end of this year to invite pastors from around the world to Korea. Through this event, we aim to create a platform where we can become one within God and His word.”

Meanwhile, according to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, as of June 5th this year, MOUs have been signed with a total of 12,538 churches in 83 countries overseas. Additionally, 1,341 churches in 41 countries have joined Shincheonji Church of Jesus and changed their signage. Furthermore, as of the end of May, the number of domestic and international pastors currently taking Bible education courses at Zion Christian Mission Center has reached 5,614.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Photos for use with this article are available by clicking on link of each caption.

Photo 1: A video lecture by Chairman Lee Man-hee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus titled “Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation” is being shown at the Continental Word Seminar held in Paris, France on the 15th (local time).

Photo 2: Overview of the Continental Word Seminar held in Paris, France on the 15th (local time).

Photo 3: Lee Seung-ju, the leader of the Simon Tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, is giving a lecture at the Continental Word Seminar held in Paris, France on the 15th (local time).

Photo 4: Scene from the Continental Word Seminar held in Paris, France on the 15th (local time).

[Photo Credit = Shincheonji Church of Jesus]

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Shincheonji Church of Jesus to Hold a Crusade of the Word Across the Continents: Announced in the Philippines

Chairman Man-hee Lee “My mission is to bear witness to what I saw and heard about the Revelation battlefield incident.”

CARIBPR WIRE, WASHINGTON, D.C., Sunday. April 21, 2024: It is the mission of Chairman Lee Man-hee to convey what he has seen and heard of the events of Revelation from chapters 1 to 22. “I am conveying to you what I have seen, heard, touched, and what is reality. This is a different time where one cannot just say anything and simply say ‘Amen’. Truly, you need to know the times. This is an era in which promises have come true.”, says Chairman Lee Man-hee.

In an indoor lecture hall in the Philippines, applause poured out in the spacious lecture hall where thousands of people were seated. A powerful voice from a confident lecturer are heard, and it is hard to believe that this speech is coming from someone with a small body over 90 years old. Speaking in expressions that are easy for even a child to understand, the scene heated up instantly with excitement. The person who inspired this energy was Lee Man-hee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony’s Chairman Lee Man-hee then presented a seminar entitled ‘Evidence of the Reality of Revelation Achievement’ at the ‘2024 Shincheonji Crusade of the Word held in the Philippines on April 20, 2024.

Chairperson Lee introduces himself like the prophets

Arriving on April 20th, Chairman Lee visited the Philippines. This is his 12th visit to the Philippines since his first visit in 2013.

On this day, Chairman Lee visited the Philippine International Convention Center as the first step of the ‘2024 Shincheonji Holy Word Crusade Asia Ⅰ’ by continent. The lectures will begin in Asia (Ⅰ), then visit Europe, Africa, America, and Oceania throughout the year, and end with the Crusade in Asia (Ⅱ). Shincheonji Church of Jesus organized this Crusade of the Word due to the explosive response and earnest requests from numerous pastors and believers around the world for the ‘Shincheonji Revelation Word Seminar.’

Standing on the podium of the lecture hall packed with over 4000 people, Chairman Lee first introduced himself and the reason he began his faith. His lecture gave the same impression that one would imagine the writers who recorded the Bible would give if they introduced their own era and genealogy before reading the content.

According to Chairman Lee’s introduction, he was born in Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do in 1931. Due to the effects of World War II, Korea fell under Japanese colonial rule, and as the Korean War continued, he experienced the tragedy of fratricide as a combat soldier on the front lines. It is said that he prayed to the God of heaven every evening, thankful that he survived a place where not even a single blade of grass could be spared, while he was bombarded by both friend and enemy.

Afterwards, under the guidance of the star (a great light), he made a blood promise to God and entered the path of faith. Afterwards, under the direction of a star he worshiped at the church of the 7 messengers, but after seeing the growth of corruption, he returned to his hometown and participated in the Saemaeul Movement for seven years.

After that, he met a spirit in heaven and began to believe again. Initially, worship was held on the mountain, and after hearing the revelation received by Chairman Lee, believers flocked to the current Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

“Jesus, let me testify to those who saw the battlefield of Revelation” Chairman Lee also revealed the direct reason for testifying to the revelation.

He explained, “The majority of Revelation chapters 1 to 22 are what Jesus showed and fed to one person,” and “This one person will tell the entire events up to chapter 22 and what he saw and heard.”

He then emphasized again that “one person saw Revelation chapters 1 to 22,” and added, “What Jesus prophesied has been fulfilled today, and when it was fulfilled, it was not Jesus who testified. “Jesus told the one who saw it to testify to the churches,” he explained, citing Revelation 22:16 and 8.

In Revelation 22:16, it is recorded that Jesus is sending ‘my messenger’ for the churches, and in verse 8, the person who saw and heard the events of the battlefield of Revelation is referred to as ‘I, John.’

Chairman Lee said, “There is a time when prophecy is made, and there is a time when it comes true. When it comes true, you have to see it and believe it, and that is why the prophecy was made in advance.”

Chairman Lee said, “I traveled around the world preaching the word with the thought, ‘I should tell everyone about all of this, but should I keep it to myself?’” and added, “I traveled around the world testifying 32 times to convey what I saw and heard.”

“You must confirm the facts and be sealed to enter heaven.”

In addition, Chairman Lee affirmed that this era is ‘the time when the Book of Revelation comes true.’

Chairman Lee said, “The world is in a deep sleep and does not know whether God’s book of Revelation is coming true or not,” and declared, “More than half of the Book of Revelation has been fulfilled.”

Chairman Lee said “I am conveying to you what I have seen, heard, touched, and what is reality. This is a different time where one cannot just say anything and simply say ‘Amen’. Truly, you need to know the times. This is an era in which promises have come true.” he said. Adding strength to his voice, he said, “In the Book of Revelation, a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 stars also appear. The purpose is to know that these people will actually appear,” he emphasized, “When God records the appearance of these people, it is so that we can see, hear, and believe when they appear today.”

Chairman Lee mentioned Revelation 22:18-19 and said several times that if you add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation, you will not be able to enter heaven. At the same time, he said, “You need to know everything. Even if you know everything, it is difficult to put it into practice, and if you do not know, you will lose hope,” he said, raising awareness about faith.

Chairman Lee also said that if you want heaven and eternal life, you must go to the ends of the world to find out whether it is a reality according to the Bible. He shared, saying, “Faith is not something you do for the sake of making money. It is not the time to believe in the spirit of the past. You need to confirm. You have to confirm it and believe it or not.”

He also emphasized again that one must master the Book of Revelation and receive a seal as if stamping a seal.

Chairman Lee asked, “Why would it be written in Revelation 22:18-19 that if you add or subtract from it, you will not be able to go to heaven and will be cursed?” and answered, “Because these words are fulfilled as if stamped with a seal.”

Chairman Lee emphasized that we must engrave the Word in our hearts and become a ‘walking Bible’ and a ‘walking body of the Word,’ and said that these people become those who are sealed for salvation in Chapter 7 of Revelation. Chairman Lee said, “There is no word of salvation except for the 144,00 who are sealed and the great multitude dressed in white.” He added, “Those who are not sealed become like lumps of dust and have nothing to do with anything. “Only those who are sealed can go to heaven,” he said. In addition, he confirmed this, saying, “Those who are sealed can live in heaven, eternal life, and family with God, but those who are not sealed have no relationship with God.”

Chairman Lee said to the locals, “I have a deep connection with the Philippines,” and “The Philippines was the first place I came and testified to after receiving the message. I felt happy in my heart, just like our country is one family.” He often said greetings such as “I have affection for the Philippines.

In fact, the Philippines has maintained a relationship with Chairman Lee for over ten years. Regardless of his faith, Chairman Lee visited the Philippines as a representative of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), a private international organization, and mediated the first private peace agreement in Mindanao, which had been in conflict for over 40 years. Peace was established in the area thereafter and this news received worldwide attention.

Meanwhile, Shincheonji Church of Jesus held an online sermon even during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, when the borders of each country were blocked, shocking the world’s religious community. As exchange requests poured in from other denominations that had heard the revealed words of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, an MOU for word exchange was signed with 443 churches in Korea and 9,462 churches in 77 countries overseas. In particular, 1,382 churches in 38 overseas countries changed their signs to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony after the exchange of words.




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Amidst Ongoing Global Conflicts, International Experts Gather To Discuss Institutionalizing Peace

-       HWPL’s 8th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) Held on March 14th

CARIBPR WIRE, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Weds. March 20, 2024: In 2023 alone, conflicts like the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israel-Hamas war, and numerous international disputes tragically claimed the lives of over 33,000 civilians and displaced millions. Recognizing this dire reality, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international peace NGO, held its 8th annual commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) on March 14th at its peace training institute in Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. The event’s theme resonated deeply: “Building the Minds of Peace: Promoting Institutional Peace via Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding.”

Since the DPCW’s proclamation on March 14, 2016, HWPL has consistently held annual commemorative ceremonies to advocate for the institutionalization of peace. This year, the event gathered about 12,500 distinguished experts from diverse fields – political, legal, religious, educational, media, and representatives from women and youth sectors – both online and in person. Among participants, about 10,000 HWPL members moved in an orderly manner under the guidance of staff and filled the commemorative ceremony venue.

Drafted in collaboration with international legal specialists from 15 countries, the DPCW comprises 10 articles and 38 clauses. It outlines the principles and tools necessary to prevent and resolve conflicts, cultivate a peaceful global society, and defines clear roles for individuals, communities, and nations in achieving lasting peace.

In his congratulatory speech, H.E. Vidura Wickramanayaka, Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs of Sri Lanka, said, “The commitment and dedication shown in the pursuit of peace projects have not only been commendable but have also laid the foundation for a more harmonious world. The tireless efforts of individuals and organizations working towards the common goal of ending war and fostering understanding among nations are truly inspiring.”

As President of the Daegak Buddhism Jogye Order in South Korea, Ven. Beopsan who has been participating in interreligious dialogue for nine years, emphasized the importance of religious leaders’ participation in peacebuilding efforts including comparative study of scriptures. He said, “Intercultural dialogue and understanding can be found at HWPL’s World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office. The root of religion is one and its meaning is a truly noble value.”

Having pointed out that conflicts caused by religion have threatened global peace, Chairman Man-hee Lee of HWPL said, “Different religions should come together, learn each other’s values and become one by comparative study on scriptures. Religious communities should practice faith based on scriptures, so they can live with humanity on this earth. We must create a world where people communicate, cooperate, and help each other regardless of religion.”

Lastly, the ceremony concluded with a variety of performances depicting the journey of peace. During the performance, there was a session where the contents of Article 10, 38 clauses of the DPCW were explained through performance, and expressed an image of a paradise filled with flowers where peace was achieved.

Recently, various activities are being carried out around the world to institutionalize peace. In East Timor, a training course for journalists is planned to be held in 2024 to raise public awareness of peace. Mr. Otélio Ote, President of the Timor-Leste Press Council, said, “I am proud to announce our collaboration with HWPL through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement peace journalism education. This partnership underscores our shared commitment to promoting freedom of expression, press freedom, and the independence of media institutions. As we look ahead to 2024, the Timor-Leste Press Council is committed to supporting HWPL’s endeavors for the sustainable development of institutional peace based on intercultural dialogue and understanding.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Images for use with this article is available HERE and HERE

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Wells Fargo and T.D. Jakes Group Announce Ten-Year Strategic Partnership to Build Inclusive Communities

SAN FRANCISCO, April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) and the T.D. Jakes Group, which includes T.D. Jakes Real Estate Ventures, LLC (TDJREV), TDJ Enterprises (TDJE) and T.D. Jakes Foundation (TDJF), today announced a strategic partnership to drive economic vitality and inclusivity in communities across America. Over the next 10 years, the partnership between these organizations could result in up to $1 billion in capital and financing from Wells Fargo, as well as grants from the Wells Fargo Foundation, with the goal of revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering economic opportunity and creating long-term change in communities most in need. The partnership marks the first of its kind in driving long-term transformational impact over the next decade.

T.D. Jakes Group

“We are excited to collaborate with the T.D. Jakes Group as they play a key role in the transformation of communities that will have a lasting impact for generations to come,” said Charlie Scharf, CEO of Wells Fargo. “This strategic partnership goes beyond a one-off capital investment and underscores our continued commitment to diverse and inclusive communities. We look forward to seeing the meaningful difference we’ll make together in communities across the country.”

“This alliance with our organization allows us to further our four decades-long work to provide economic justice, eradicate food deserts, construct desirable workplaces and affordable housing, closing the digital divide and ultimately help families leave a rich and lasting legacy for the next generation,” remarked T.D. Jakes, Chairman & CEO of the T.D. Jakes Group. “We recognize the need for CEOs like Charlie Scharf bending the arc and aim of Wells Fargo toward correcting systemic inequalities. We are committed to ensuring additional opportunities actually reach as many areas of need that we can influence. Disruptive partnerships like this create a paradigm shift in how we can collectively bring long overdue transformation, particularly to Black and Brown communities and other marginalized groups around our nation.”

In 2022, TDJREV began purchasing nearly 100 acres of Fort McPherson, the historic former army base situated in enviable proximity to downtown Atlanta with plans to create an innovative community of commercial and residential space. The plans for this land include mixed-income housing with an array of living choices such as single-family homes, townhomes and apartments positioned in well-designed neighborhoods with ample amenities aimed at enhancing the quality of life through healthy food choices, healthcare options and other wraparound services. One of the first prominent projects that Wells Fargo intends to support as a financial partner is the revitalization of the Fort McPherson property, with the vision of aiding TDJREV in developing the area into an inclusive neighborhood equipped with ample green space, a bike path, recreation centers, impacting the Historic Business and Cultural districts at Fort McPherson.

The Wells Fargo Foundation and T.D. Jakes Foundation also expect to provide financial empowerment education and revitalize neighborhoods in underserved low-and moderate-income communities by increasing homeownership and fostering business creation in several cities including Atlanta, Chicago and Dallas.

Charlie Scharf will join T.D. Jakes on stage on May 5, during Jakes’ International Leadership Summit in Orlando, Florida for a conversation about this unique partnership and other topics. There is a press registration link for media who want to attend in person or virtually.

Wells Fargo – A Builder of Communities

Wells Fargo has been a leader in the development of and investment in affordable housing across the nation. Since 2016, the Company has held the position of the top Fannie Mae DUS® Affordable Housing Lender. Coming out of the pandemic over the last two years, (2021 and 2022), the Company closed $10 billion in financing through its Community Lending and Investment (CLI) group and $5.7 billion in financing through its Multifamily Capital (MFC) group directed towards affordable housing and community development. In addition, the Company provides LIHTC investments and has a portfolio of approximately 1500 transactions with a book value of $12.2 billion. Further, in March of 2020, the Company made a $50 million investment in Minority Depository Institutions (MDI’s); the pledge included advisory services to help these important local institutions to flourish. As of the end of 2021, all 15 institutions received their investment. Wells Fargo has donated more than $525 million to support housing affordability solutions for individuals and families (2019-2022).

About Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) is a leading financial services company that has approximately $1.9 trillion in assets, proudly serves one in three U.S. households and more than 10% of small businesses in the U.S., and is a leading middle market banking provider in the U.S. We provide a diversified set of banking, investment and mortgage products and services, as well as consumer and commercial finance, through our four reportable operating segments: Consumer Banking and Lending, Commercial Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking, and Wealth & Investment Management. Wells Fargo ranked No. 41 on Fortune’s 2022 rankings of America’s largest corporations. In the communities we serve, the company focuses its social impact on building a sustainable, inclusive future for all by supporting housing affordability, small business growth, financial health, and a low-carbon economy.

News, insights, and perspectives from Wells Fargo are also available at Wells Fargo Stories.

Additional information may be found at | Twitter: @WellsFargo

About The T.D. Jakes Group

The T.D. Jakes Group is a global conglomerate that’s worked for more than four decades at the intersection of mission, ministry and marketplace to solve society’s problems through strategic alliances creating equity and providing solutions for underrepresented and underserved communities. The organization’s four pillars operate globally: T.D. Jakes Enterprises is a civil rights award-winning social impact holding company reaching millions through entrepreneurial training, minority business accelerator initiatives and trailblazing representation in streaming unscripted series, film, music and publishing that has grossed over $500 million worldwide through original entertainment content; T.D. Jakes Foundation is building bridges by unlocking the power of global competition through workforce training that prepares workers to compete in today’s economy through STEM/STEAM education, financial literacy and inclusion, and a laser focus to close the racial wealth gap and support minority women in corporate leadership; T.D. Jakes Real Estate Ventures is actively developing sustainable communities with a focus on economic development, eradicating food deserts and opening doors for home ownership and wealth building where none existed before.; T.D. Jakes Ministries is a faith-based international organization who’s inspiring content is translated to over 90 languages each week, and whose returning citizen advocacy work has helped over 30,000 individuals create lasting, generational change.

Learn how the T.D. Jakes Group is creating a more equitable society through innovative concepts and disruptive partnerships by visiting

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Peace as Institution to Change Daily Lives of People: 7th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War

CARIBPR WIRE, WASHINGON, D.C., Sat. March 25, 2023: Under the theme of “Institutional Peace: Strengthening Communication to Build Trust”, international peace NGO, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), held its 7th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) from March 14th to 19th in 41 countries from Africa, Europe, North America and Asia.

With the foundation of “Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)” as a tool for comprehensive global peacebuilding cooperation, 7,000 people in the fields of politics, legal profession and religion, education, media, women and youth, will join the event where the participants share the cases of conflict prevention, mediation, and resolution to institutionalize peace as a universal culture and norm.

“This declaration, comprised of 10 articles and 38 clauses, aims to restore the spirit that served as the basis for the establishment of the United Nations and to achieve sustainable peace by promoting the universal values of the global community. The DPCW contains the message of no war, peace between nations and societies, friendly relations, prosperity, happiness, this is a simple message and everyone can relate to this message,” said Prof. Dr. Md Nazrul Islam, Chairman of International Law, University of Dhaka who drafted the DPCW, in the event on March 14th.

In his progress report presentation, Pravin Parekh, President of the Confederation of Indian Bar, presented major activities of overcoming disconnection and distrust and the progress for realizing the introduction of the DPCW to the United Nations. “HWPL has been strengthening trust and communication with youth, women, and civil society around the world in solidarity through activities such as the Legislate Peace Project, WARP Office, and Peace Education,” he said.

Emphasizing the need for dialogues among religious leaders to facilitate tolerance and understanding, Ven. Myeong An, Vice President of Yeorae Order of Korean Buddhism, said, “Currently, many conflicts, persecutions, and conflicts among religions are taking place in the global village. It’s because of intolerance and a lack of communication. However, what if many religious people come to discuss with scriptures? It will only be a matter of time before a world of peace comes.”

In the event, action plans to advocate peace in Ukraine were prepared. Participants from over 100 countries write “Peace Letters” to denounce Russian invasion of Ukraine as a violation of international law and demand Russian President Putin a total withdrawal from the Ukraine territory. “Future generations of Russians will remember you and this war as an indelible and shameful history, and you will be left in history as the one responsible for sacrificing countless innocent lives,” the letter stated. These letters will be collected and sent to Ukraine, where a peace monument will be erected.

During the speech, Chairman Lee Man-hee of HWPL emphasized, “Peace cannot be achieved alone. If everyone can live together as one, there will be no wars or conflicts. As the saying goes, love your neighbor as yourself, war will disappear only when there is love for each other. Current international law cannot prevent war. Russia, a permanent member of the United Nations, waged a war. The DPCW was introduced to renew the inoperative international law to eliminate war. Now is the time to achieve peace. Just as people learn when they have to create (something), peace must be taught at home and at school to create peace. If people’s hearts change, a better world will be created. Let everyone in the global village become messengers of peace.”

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Institutionalizing Peace: Designing Collective Action To Bring Peace As A Culture And Norm

CaribPR Wire, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. June 2, 2022: In an effort to tackle the current threats to life and stability from wars and conflicts, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) held its 9th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace online on May 25th, 2022. This year’s commemoration themed “Institutionalizing Peace: Realizing the Collective Will for Peace” was attended by 3000 representatives from politics, religion, academia, media, and civil society. The purpose of this theme was to share the progress made towards sustainable peace through international cooperation and legal instruments.

The host organization, HWPL, proclaimed the Declaration of World Peace back in 2013. This declaration addressed the endorsement of national leaders, the engagement of women and youth, the importance of cooperation among civil societies, and the expansion of media coverage on peace. Later, this declaration was developed into the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) which includes a process to establish the international legal instruments for global peace.

The 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW include language on the prevention and resolution of conflicts, the gradual reduction of war potential, remaking weapons into daily tools, resolving conflicts respectfully based on religion and ethnic identity, and spreading a culture of peace. The DPCW is written to engage with nations, NGOs, and individual citizens in an effort to urge them to take action for a peaceful world.

In regard to collaborative peacebuilding, Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL appealed to event attendees to be united as “messengers of peace” “to bring freedom and peace to future generations.” Chairman Lee further stated, “This time (Russia) invaded Ukraine and started the war. This is why HWPL and families of peace have long called for the establishment of international law to prevent war potentials. So, we gathered experts in international law globally … and made the declaration with 10 articles and 38 clauses.”

Another focus of this event was peace activities in education. An innovative example of teaching methodology and peace was the use of Metaverse. Metaverse was demonstrated as a virtual world platform where students are able to experience peace by reading materials and observing peace activities carried out across the world.

Mr. Supalak Ganjanakhundee, Thammasat University’s Pridi Banomyong International College Visiting Fellow and former Chief Editor of The Nation in Thailand shared that the foundation of peace is closely related to democracy as both “allow the participation of civil society” in the peace process. When explaining the stalled peace process in Southern Thailand he said, “Any peace process that would lead to lasting peace must address the problem at its root cause, and must be conducted democratically with the intensive participation of not only stakeholders, but also civil society.”

HWPL has been developing global cooperation for peace both at the national and international level by garnering the support for the DPCW and working collaboratively with many organizations to reinforce international norms for peace. Hand in hand, HWPL and civil society have been carrying out activities for the public good to ensure that peace takes root worldwide.

Editor’s Note: An image for use with this story is available HERE

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“We Are One In God,”Says Chairman Lee Man-Hee Of Shincheonji Church

Pastors who established MOUs with Shincheonji Church from countries across the world were invited to a press conference on April 2nd

We can learn the revealed word because God dwells in Shincheonji Church,” says the pastors.

CaribPR Wire, WASHINGTON, D.C., Mon. April 4, 2022:

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, under the leadership of Chairman Lee Man-hee), recently hosted a press conference with pastors who had established MOUs with Shincheonji from countries across the world at 5:00PM (KST), on April 2nd. It was well attended by 1,500 pastors from all over the world, along with reporters and journalists via Zoom.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus hosted this event to share the progress made by the online seminars that began last year, the MOUs established thus far, and some case examples. Kim Shin-chang, the Head of the Department of International Missions shared, “Many participants from Africa that were in the Bible Seminar from August of last year reached out to establish MOUs with us. This led to the first MOU with the Worship in the Presence of God Church in Uganda in September” as he was explaining how Shincheonji first started to establish MOUs with other churches.

Some other case examples and testimonials from pastors who established MOUs with Shincheonji were shared during the press conference.

Dongsu Kim, the head pastor of Peace Church confessed, “In the past all I preached was that everyone must believe in Jesus and by sharing grace in this way would lead to salvation. Without fulfillment, I thought heaven was somewhere one went to after death. I thought there was resurrection after death,” expressing his incorrect beliefs about salvation.

Pastor Kim is presently teaching Shincheonji’s Revealed Word to his own congregation. He also stated, “The time has come for all the pastors to come and learn so that they may live a life of faith in the correct truth. I want to share Shincheonji’s Revealed Word to my fellow pastors. I want them to learn the Word and realize that their ideas of salvation are incorrect.”

Pastor Willifred Endohu, a pastor who has been leading his church for 11 years in Cote d’Ivoire, introduced himself stating, “I studied theology in a seminary and was trained to be a pastor through prayer meetings and began ministering a church in a very small room. Thankfully enough, 11 years later my congregation has grown to be about 500 members. I am also a lecturer at a seminary institute as well.”

Pastor Wilifred Endohu is currently learning Lesson 16 of the Introductory Level in Shincheonji’s Zion Mission Center. Pastor Wilifred Endohu stated, “My thoughts and knowledge about the Bible have been broken and is changing through the lessons I’ve been learning in Shincheonji. Jesus and the Word that has become flesh has struck a chord in my heart. I also want to preach the Revealed Word after I’m done studying. I want to share this Word to the people in my congregation that have been following me for the last 8 years,” as he shared his aspirations upon completing the courses in Shincheonji.

He also added, “I want to express how thankful I am for the Chairman because that’s how I could receive the Revealed Word from God. He could not have taught such a profound Word if he had not met God and Jesus. I want to tell my fellow pastors that what I have seen and verified is that all the answers are in the Bible and Shincheonji is testifying those answers according to the Bible. Please come and check for yourselves.”

Chairman Lee spoke about how he has come to share the Word and the role of pastors today.

“Revelation is about re-creation. If you look at Revelation 21, the first heaven and the first earth pass away and a new heaven and a new earth are created. It is about creating people and all creation again,” Chairman Lee stated, explaining that those who are born of God’s seed are harvested and sealed to create God’s new kingdom and new people at the time of Revelation.

He also added, “Writing the word of all the chapters of Revelation in people’s hearts is harvesting, sealing, and nurturing those who have been born of God’s seed and making them into the citizens of God’s kingdom. [This is why] Jesus showed me the events of all the chapters of Revelation and commanded me to testify to all the churches,” as he explained the role of the promised pastor today.

In his concluding remarks, Chairman Lee stated, “We must become freedom fighters of God’s kingdom that restore what God lost. Let’s fight and overcome the devil with the blood of Jesus and the word of testimony and create the people of God’s kingdom so that God may finally come and reign over the world after 6000 years. This is what [God] has made known to us through the Bible. I hope that everyone engraves the words of all the chapters of Revelation—which is the law of heaven—in their hearts. There is only one God, one Bible and one hope. We, as those who believe in God, are also one. We are one!”

Some case examples of what happens after establishing MOUs were also shared. A church named The Early Church of the New Era in the USA invited an instructor from Shincheonji to teach their congregation, and now approximately 100 members of the church are learning the teachings of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. A pastor in the Philippines is teaching his congregation after completing the Bible courses from Shincheonji Church of Jesus. A seminary school in Pakistan has opened up courses on the Revealed Word in their institution after its dean established an MOU with Shincheonji.

According to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, 2155 pastors, 22 seminary schools, and 958 churches in 67 countries have established MOUs with Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Through mutual agreement, Shincheonji Church of Jesus is providing theology materials and instructors for the churches and seminary schools that have made MOUs with them to educate people on the Bible.

This event is available for viewing on Shincheonji’s official YouTube Channel (

Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been teaching Revelation and the secrets of the kingdom of heaven through online seminars since October of 2021. The 12 tribe leaders followed suit in Chairman Manhee Lee’s first lecture on Revelation and they are all available in 24 different languages on YouTube, with over 1.5 million views to date.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been broadcasting the Intermediate Level lessons on YouTube from the 31st of March, and it is set to end on the 27th of June. These lessons are shared at 10AM every Monday and Thursday on their official YouTube channel.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A photo of  Chairman Lee Man-Hee Of the Shincheonji Church is available for use with this story HERE

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President of Ghana Joins T.D. Jakes’ International Leadership Summit

President Nana Akufo-Addo to Speak at Conference featuring Joel Osteen, Janice Bryant Howroyd, Van Jones and Others

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — The president of one of Africa’s wealthiest and most stable countries is bringing his international leadership and expertise to the International Leadership Summit. The annual conference, founded by T.D. Jakes, brings together aspiring and tenured entrepreneurs, leaders and influential change agents to revolutionize the future of leadership. At this year’s event, set to take place in Charlotte from March 31 to April 2, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo will participate in a “master class” conversation with Jakes, during which the two will discuss creating economic opportunities, technology and the future of both nations.

T.D. Jakes hosts the International Leadership Summit March 31 to April 2.

Widely regarded as a model of democracy, Ghana is one of the wealthiest and most progressive of Africa’s 54 countries. The West African nation is the continent’s largest producer of gold and the world’s second largest producer of cocoa. Akufo-Addo was first elected in January 2017, and reelected in 2020 for a second and final term. Since becoming president, Akufo-Addo has worked to build strong economic and cultural ties between his country and Africans in the diaspora, particularly African Americans. Last year, Twitter announced it would be moving its African corporate headquarters to Ghana. Akufo-Addo is a lawyer and a champion of human rights, justice and democracy. He has worked on constitutional cases to help protect the independence of the judiciary, the rights of citizens to demonstrate without police permits, and for equal access to state-owned media for all political parties.

Jakes has spent the last 45 years serving and inspiring people on a global scale. In addition to his role as Bishop of The Potter’s House, Jakes is a philanthropist, an educator, a real estate developer and a respected leader in the international business community. The annual International Leadership Summit will provide visionaries and leaders with the tools they need to become “master builders” who can construct a solid foundation and revolutionize the way they lead in an ever-changing world.

Other speakers at this year’s summit will include business tycoon Janice Bryant Howroyd, author and political commentator Van Jones, pastor Joel Osteen and other key figures in business, entertainment, nonprofit and faith arenas. Registration for the conference is open at

Media registration is now open. Media may request credentials for the International Leadership Summit by filling out this form .

“We are ecstatic President Akufo-Addo will be an integral part of our leadership summit,” said Jakes. “Ghana has nurtured a special relationship with African Americans dating back to its independence from Great Britain in 1957. President Akufo-Addo’s leadership has only strengthened that bond. As President, he has transformed Ghana into a tourist and relocation destination for Black Americans by creating easier paths to citizenship for them. I know our master class with him will enlighten, illuminate and transform many.”

Media Credentials:
All members of the media—reporters, photographers, videographers and crew—are required to have and display credentials in order to cover events within the conference. Press may request media credentials for the International Leadership Summit by filling out this form. Applicants will be notified via email whether they are approved or declined for credentials. Information regarding where to pick up credentials, parking, facility access, interviews and other details will be sent once credentials have been approved.

About The Potter’s House
Located in Dallas, The Potter’s House is a 30,000-member nondenominational, multicultural church and humanitarian organization led by Bishop T. D. Jakes, twice featured on the cover of Time magazine as America’s Best Preacher and as one of the nation’s 25 Most Influential Evangelicals. The Potter’s House has four locations: The Potter’s House of Dallas, The Potter’s House of Fort Worth, The Potter’s House of North Dallas and The Potter’s House OneLA.


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Annual Event To Commemorate Civilian-Led Peacebuilding In Mindanao Calls Forth Collective Action To Develop Peace

CaribPR Wire, WASHINGTON D.C., Fri. Jan. 28, 2022: On January 24, 2022, over 22,000 people from 51 countries attended a virtual Peace Conference in honor of the annual Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) Peace Day celebration. The event commemorated a civilian-led peace agreement made between the Islamic and Catholic communities in Mindanao, Philippines 8 years ago.

This year’s gathering was titled the “Law of Peace in Heaven and on Earth” and aimed to: (1) promote interfaith harmony between religions and, (2) raise public support to establish an international law for peace.

Back in 2014 HWPL, an international NGO, mediated the conflict in Mindanao by proposing a peace agreement by local representatives. Witnessed by Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL, the peace agreement was signed by local leadership: Hon. Esmael G. Mangudadatu, the then Governor of Maguindanao, and Archbishop-Emeritus Fernando Capalla of the Archdiocese of Davao. Since then, the province of Maguindanao and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front has declared January 24th as “HWPL Peace Day.”  In addition, leaders have built Peace Monuments throughout the Philippines to honor the peace agreement, with the newest monument planned to be unveiled in February.

Monday’s event reaffirmed the region’s and HWPL’s continued dedication to international cooperation and the importance of local partnerships when building peace in Mindanao.  Key figures from the Philippines gave congratulatory messages including Senate President Vicente Sotto III, Senator Panfilo Lacson, Senator Cynthia Villar, Senator Ronald ‘Bato’ Dela Rosa, Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo, and TV News Anchor Mariz Umali. Keynote speakers from various fields also presented commitment messages declaring their plans to promote peace in their respective sectors including law, education, youth, women, private business and media.

For instance, Prabhu Mahendra Das, Temple President of Sri Sri Radha Madhava Mandir, said that he decided to participate in the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office organized by HWPL because it is “a global platform for religious leaders to talk, share, discuss, learn, and grow together harmoniously and peacefully.” For the contribution to peace in the field of religion, he added, “I firmly believe that all religions should enter into a partnership [with HWPL] through the form of a Memorandum of Understanding.”

Justice Raoul Victorino (ret), Chairman of Philippine National Prayer Breakfast and Dean of the College of Law of Philippine Christian University, shared how he was inspired by the “revolutionary movement” that HWPL initiated to endorse global peacebuilding by drafting the “Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). ” The DPCW was written by global experts in international law to advocate peace as a global culture and norm. He declared, “I will strive to get the support of the President of the Philippines for the DPCW. At the same time, I will integrate the DPCW [education] in the college of law by collaborating with the Philippine Association of Law Schools.”

Also, representing the Philippines education sector, Commissioner Ronald Adamat of the Commissioner on Higher Education (CHED), shared, “The CHED Commission en Banc has issued an endorsement to President Duterte, urging him to declare January 24th as ‘National Peace Day’, that will provide for simultaneous celebration and observance of peace through peace activities, events, and ceremonies by all instrumentalities and agencies of government, including the private sector. This shall also be celebrated and observed in the education sector.”

Chairman Lee, during the closing remarks, said: “Our purpose is to bring all people in the world together to create a world of peace and leave it as a lasting legacy for future generations. To make this world a peaceful place without wars, let us become messengers of peace. Let us remind people around the world of that emotion – a longing for peace – and the Peace Day so they can remember all of this forever.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: See images for use with this press release HERE and HERE

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Shincheonji Church Holds US Press Conference To Make Known New Seminar Series

CaribPR, WASHINGTON, D.C., Fri. Jan. 14, 2022: At 7 p.m. on January 14th, reporters from the USA, the Caribbean, and several South American countries attended a press conference held by Shincheonji Church to ask questions about a new seminar series regarding the fulfilled realities of biblical parables.

“Shincheonji Online Seminar: Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” is the newest seminar series held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This round of seminars focuses on understanding parables written in the New Testament Bible and will be launched on a YouTube live-stream every Monday and Thursday at 10am (GMT+9) from January 3rd to March 28th, 2022.

Shincheonji’s prior seminar series entitled: ‘God’s New Covenant Revelation Prophecy and Fulfillment,’ has already drawn millions of views via YouTube since it began in October 2021. Thanks to this series success, thus far, approximately 700 churches worldwide have reportedly requested further doctrinal exchanges with Shincheonji as they seek deeper content.

In a recent report in December 2021 from Pew Research Center’s National Public Opinion Reference Surveys, 3 out of 10 adults in the United States are now religiously unaffiliated. Protestant denominations are the most affected by a decrease in congregants, with a steady decrease from 52% in 2007 to 40% in 2021.

This trend is also reflected by another investigation from Lifeway Research in Nashville that says most Americans consider Jesus as a historical fact but have no biblical knowledge about why he came. According to the report, only 9% knew that Jesus’ mission was to give open words (fulfillment) of the Old Testament.

On the other side of the globe, an increasing number of people are affiliated with religion. Contrary to the decrease in traditional denominations, since 2019 over 140,000 people have joined Shincheonji Church of Jesus after receiving Shincheonji Biblical education courses.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please see associated image for use with this press release HERE

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Shincheonji Church Of Jesus, 20,000-Members Increase Virtually, The Secret Is The Word (Doctrine)

CaribPR Wire, WASHINGTON, D.C., Thurs. Dec. 30, 2021: Shincheonji Zion Christian Mission Center’s online graduation ceremony held on December 26th, 2021, had over 18,000 graduates.

More than 37,000 church members have enrolled since the Coronavirus crisis began… “This growth is possible only with the Word.”

After the lecture on the Book of Revelation, Pastors sign MOU: “Introductory course of Zion Christian Mission Center will be lectured on YouTube”

On December 26th 2021, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, (specifically, Chairman Man-hee Lee, on behalf of Shincheonji Church of Jesus), held an online graduation ceremony for Zion Christian Mission Center Class 112, which produced nearly 20,000 new members.

A total of 18,838 people (11,162 domestic and 7,676 overseas) graduated during an online graduation ceremony, which was broadcast worldwide through the official YouTube channel of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus at noon on December 26th. Zion Christian Mission Center is a Bible education center operated by Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

During the sermon at the graduation ceremony, Chairman Lee testified to the words of today’s fulfillment of Revelation and emphasized how the creation of a new kingdom and new people is prophesied in the Bible and the graduates are part of it’s reality.

Chairman Lee stated that Jesus fulfilled the promise of sowing the two kinds of seeds as written in Jer 31 at the First Coming, and at the end of the world – the time of harvest – the good seed of the two kinds of seeds, the sons of God, will be harvested, sealed, and created into the 144,000 of the 12 tribes.

Chairman Lee continued, “The 12 tribes of Shincheonji are teaching the book of Revelation in 5W’s and 1H all around the world.”

On the day of the graduation, Tan Young-jin, the supervisor of the Zion Christian Center, said, “Shincheonji is not stopping its growth, and as time goes by, online evangelism is getting better. All members of the church are evangelizing online as they are thoroughly complying with the quarantine policy.”

He continued, “As a result of the Chairman and the 12 tribe leaders testifying to the prophecy and reality of the book of Revelation all over the world, many churches and seminaries have signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church of Jesus and are requesting lectures. This mission center’s introductory course will be testified worldwide. Please listen for yourself and see what God has promised for today.”

On the other hand, the number of graduates at the graduation ceremony is drawing attention both inside and outside relevant religious circles. The growth of Shincheonji Church of Jesus contrasts with the general atmosphere of other churches, where membership is decreasing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Shincheonji Church of Jesus has seen unprecedented growth throughout the world, especially considering that it was achieved solely through online education.

The Zion Christian Mission Center produced 18,382 graduates last year. Since the cessation of face-to-face religious activities due to COVID-19 occurred, 37,220 people have completed the Bible education course online and officially joined Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

The reason why the number of members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus are increasing after the outbreak of COVID-19 is interpreted as a result of desiring a life of faith centered on the words of the Bible. It is reasoned that there are many people who started studying out of interest after encountering the high-level Bible education provided by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, especially as an environment was created where people could access various lectures through YouTube and other online resources instead of face-to-face religious activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Bible Seminar On “What Jesus Told Is Achieved In Today’s World”

CaribPR Wire, WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 30, 2021: Amid a global decline in the religious population, a clear explanation of the Bible has drawn more than 140,000 believers to the church and the attention of millions.

“Shincheonji Online Seminar: Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” is held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This round of seminars focusing on understanding parables written in the Bible in the New Testament will be on Youtube live-stream on every Monday and Thursday on 10am (GMT+9) from January 3rd to March 28th.

“Parables are the key element to understanding the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. The prophecy of the Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of Jesus in his first coming. Now Jesus left his prophecy of the New Testament to be fulfilled “when the time comes” (John 16:25). We are heading towards the true meaning as the prophecy is revealed,” said an official of the church.

The previous seminars on the book of Revelation for the last three months on YouTube were released in 24 languages and reached 7 million views in 136 countries including 16,000 pastors as participants. Shincheonji Church of Jesus said that 1,200 global church leaders in 57 countries have signed MOUs with the church to boost international cooperation and exchanges for educational support.

As for the signing, Pastor Jerry Hagerman of Wayside Mission Church in Virginia, USA, said, “I want to be able to grow in the word and I want to teach out congregation … and help bring them from death to life. I want to be one with God’s kingdom and have open communication.”

In a recent report in December 2021 from Pew Research Center’s National Public Opinion Reference Surveys, 3 out of 10 adults in the United States are now religiously unaffiliated. The most affected in the fall in the religious population is the Protestant among Christian denominations that has shown steady decrease from 52% in 2007 to 40% in 2021.

This trend is also reflected by another investigation from Lifeway Research in Nashville that says most Americans consider Jesus as a historical fact but religiously have no biblical knowledge about why he came. According to the report, only 9% of the 1,005 respondents knew that his mission was to give open words (fulfillment) of the Old Testament.

On the other side of the globe, an increasing number of people are affiliated with religion. Contrary to the decrease in traditional denominations, over 140,000 people have joined the Shincheonji Church of Jesus after the Bible education course since 2019 and the subsequent COVID-19.

The official of Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “Across the world, more and more people are experiencing diseases, disasters, and hardships due to COVID-19, thinking deeply about the meaning of life and suffering. Religion must be able to provide answers to these people. In the religious world where face-to-face activities are limited, education should reach out to every individual in local communities.”

“What the Shincheonji Church appeals to people is the clear explanation of Jesus’ mission in the New Testament,” he continued.

You can watch the seminar by searching “Shincheonji Online Seminar: Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” on YouTube or through the link


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Religions Unite To Pray For Peace And Care For One Another In The Pandemic Crisis

CaribPR Wire, Washington, D.C., Mon. Dec. 21, 2020: While national measures limiting social activities bring out changes of daily routine due to the pandemic, efforts to spiritually understand about life facing diseases and related social changes are underway across religions globally.

On December 14, 560 representatives from 31 religions in 80 countries, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism and Sikhism, joined in an online gathering titled: “HWPL End-of-year Religious Leaders’ Gathering: United Hopes & Prayers for a Brighter 2021,” to express words of consolation to humanity and reaffirm inter-religious commitment to and dialogue for peace.

Eleven religious leaders representing different religions prayed for wisdom and solution to the multifarious life patterns affected by the current COVID-19 crisis. The video messages from religious leaders displayed their support for the role of religion in countering anti-peace movements such as discrimination, hatred and violence that can be exacerbated during the pandemic.

During the prayer, Rev. Acharya Prem Shankaranand Tirth, Hindu High Priest of Shree Geeta Ashram of Delhi, said: “For our colleagues, families of peace, let us continue endeavor of world peace. During this pandemic, we must realize the value of one another in that we all coexist with the nature and other creations. We in the human society must act as one and should exist in peace, harmony and love.”

“I remember sitting at my desk and finding out about the first infection in my own country. I prayed, asking a lot of questions. Many of my peers turned back to scripture in these times to seek answers about the Creator God, His plan, His will and what He wants us to focus on due to these events,” said Ms. Nandi Bester, manager of International Youth Peace Group in South Africa.

“Today we may be able to solve the problem of COVID-19, but another disease will come. When winter is coming, we can’t stop it but can cover ourselves and protect ourselves. That’s what we can do when there is challenging issue of bad health and adversities coming in life. We should maintain patience and learn the art of tolerance and tolerate the difficulty and suffering that is coming upon us,” said Rev. Hare Krsna Das, Priest of ISKCON, Rishikesh, India.

“Regarding the question about how human society should understand why suffering such as COVID-19 occurs, we found that all religions are searching for an answer. In the process, those participating in this event, transcending time difference, pray for the safety of all regardless of their faiths. This is the clear difference from the time before the pandemic when news of conflict was filled with intolerance against groups from different backgrounds. In this respect, it has proved the possibility that humanity in a crisis can be united and one in peace beyond religion,” said a HWPL official.

The organizer HWPL is an NGO affiliated with the UN ECOSOC and had led national plasma donation from over 3,700 people in South Korea who recovered from COVID-19 to develop a cure throughout this year.

Key Attendance List

No. Country Religion Name Organization Title
1 India Sikhism Mr. Bhupinder Singh Guru Teg Bahadar Jalandhar Head Priest
2 Ukraine Judaism Alexander Duhovnyi All-Ukrainian Council of Religious Associations Chairman
3 India Jainism Pradyumna Shah Singh Religious Studies, Punjabi University Professor
4 India Buddhism Dhammapiya International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) Secretary General
5 India ISKCON Hare Krsna Das ISKCON Rishikesh Priest
6 Czech Republic Islam Hassen Tlili Alfirdaus Praha Imam
7 Romania The Orthodox Church Constantin Cârlan Ungureanu Biserica “Sfântul Ştefan” Parish Priest
8 Cambodia Buddhism Oeun Sam Art Supreme Patriarch’s Cabinet Personal Assistant to The Great Supreme Patriarch
9 Sweden Ahmadiyya Agha Yahya Khan Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Gothenburg Mosque Chief Imam
10 United States of America Hinduism Bikram Paul The Hindu Temple of Metropolitan Washington Chairman
11 United States of America Protestantism Eldon Jones Good field church Pastor
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Forced Religious Conversion Becomes an International Human Rights Problem

CaribPR Wire, WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 20, 2019: On 19 November, the Italian Center
for Studies on New Religions
(CESNUR) and the Belgien Human
Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF)
hosted a seminar on human rights
entitled “Intolerance and
Discrimination Against New
Religious Movements: An
International Problem” in Seoul,
South Korea..
The seminar was devoted to the
protection of the rights of religious
minorities with a special focus on forced conversion cases in Korea. Forced conversion, also
known as “deprogramming”, is a violation of human rights. Proponents of forced conversion
kidnap and detain members of religious groups labeled as “cults” in an effort to compel them to
abandon their faith.
More than 80 participants including legal experts, journalists, and civil society representatives
reviewed the current situation of forced conversion and discussed solutions to defend the
freedom of faith and human rights that have become the norm of the international community.
Massimo Introvigne, Managing Director of CESNUR as well as an Italian sociologist, stressed
how, “Korean deprogrammers are specialized pastors from mainstream churches, most of them
Presbyterian. The protests that commemorate the victims from forced conversion were
mentioned in the 2019 U.S. State Department Report on Religious Freedom. The report cited
examples of how forced conversions violated religious freedom in 2018. However, there were
new cases of deprogramming even after their death,” he criticized.
Regarding the
multi-dimensional strategy
to solve such phenomenon,
Willy Fautré, Founder and
Director of HRWF stated
several suggestions;
pointing at the
responsibility of the
leadership of the
Presbyterian Church which
tolerates, endorses, and maybe encourages such a practice; developing advocacy at the United
Nations and in organizations defending freedom of religion or belief; prosecuting those who
encourage people to perpetrate an act of abduction and confinement.
In an open letter, signed by 15 international NGOs including CAP-LC and HRWF, to the South
Korean President Moon Jae In on July 24 th , it said, “South Korea may well be the last democratic
country in the world where deprogramming is still tolerated” and asked the President to
“investigate in-depth accusations of forcible deprogramming, put a stop to this obnoxious
practice, and hold those responsible fully accountable.”
As an elected member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, South Korea vowed “to
participate in international efforts to respond to human rights crises around the world.” Seminar
participants urged the Korean government to respond to the issue of forced conversion which is
still threatening the human rights of its people.

Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) from Italy and Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) from Belgium hosted the seminar

CaribPR Wire, WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 20, 2019: On 19 November, the Italian Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) and the Belgien Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) hosted a seminar on human rights entitled “Intolerance and Discrimination Against New Religious Movements: An International Problem” in Seoul, South Korea.

The seminar was devoted to the protection of the rights of religious minorities with a special focus on forced conversion cases in Korea. Forced conversion, also known as “deprogramming”, is a violation of human rights. Proponents of forced conversion kidnap and detain members of religious groups labeled as “cults” in an effort to compel them to abandon their faith.

More than 80 participants including legal experts, journalists, and civil society representatives reviewed the current situation of forced conversion and discussed solutions to defend the freedom of faith and human rights that have become the norm of the international community.

Massimo Introvigne, Managing Director of CESNUR as well as an Italian sociologist, stressed how, “Korean deprogrammers are specialized pastors from mainstream churches, most of them Presbyterian. The protests that commemorate the victims from forced conversion were mentioned in the 2019 U.S. State Department Report on Religious Freedom. The report cited examples of how forced conversions violated religious freedom in 2018. However, there were new cases of deprogramming even after their death,” he criticized.

Regarding the multi-dimensional strategy to solve such phenomenon, Willy Fautré, Founder and Director of HRWF stated several suggestions; pointing at the responsibility of the leadership of the Presbyterian Church which tolerates, endorses, and maybe encourages such a practice; developing advocacy at the United Nations and in organizations defending freedom of religion or belief; prosecuting those who encourage people to perpetrate an act of abduction and confinement.

In an open letter, signed by 15 international NGOs including CAP-LC and HRWF, to the South Korean President Moon Jae In on July 24 th , it said, “South Korea may well be the last democratic country in the world where deprogramming is still tolerated” and asked the President to “investigate in-depth accusations of forcible deprogramming, put a stop to this obnoxious practice, and hold those responsible fully accountable.”

As an elected member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, South Korea vowed “to participate in international efforts to respond to human rights crises around the world.” Seminar participants urged the Korean government to respond to the issue of forced conversion which is still threatening the human rights of its people.


Gabby Fonce

+1 202-898-4571

[email protected]

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Back to Kama: Rael supports ‘Right to Return’ for those of African descent

LAS VEGAS, March 6, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Several years ago, Rael, spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement (IRM), inspired the movement “Back to Kama” (the original name for Africa used by its indigenous people) to encourage well-educated, successful and affluent people of all races and religions – especially descendants of slaves – to migrate to Kama and relocate their businesses and operations there, along with transferring knowledge and wealth accumulated in the West.

“The Back to Kama movement is gaining momentum now,” Rael said in a statement released today by the IRM. “However, interested candidates are facing an obstacle that tempers their enthusiasm.”

Describing the obstacle as one that is “of an administrative nature and easy to overcome,” Rael went on to compare the current situation with the one that existed right when the nation of Israel was first created. He pointed out that the Israeli government immediately established ‘The Right to Return,” whereby any Jew, no matter where he or she lived at the time, could immediately receive an Israeli passport and the right to live in Israel.

“The same Right to Return should be instituted by the West African states from which most ancestors of African-Americans came, as well ancestors of those now living in the Caribbean islands and South America,” Rael explained. “African states cannot afford to slow the return [of those with African ancestry] for administrative reasons. Their return, with their wealth and knowledge, is real manna, and it also renders justice for the [enslaved] ancestors.”

In today’s statement, Rael asked all Raelians in Kama to launch a broad campaign that will pressure that continent’s governments to immediately adopt right-of-return laws for all descendants of American and Caribbean slaves.

“It would be justice if those who have accumulated wealth and knowledge in countries that enslaved their ancestors to leave these countries and benefit the countries that were forcibly deprived of this invaluable human capital,” Rael said. “They should even request that the [formerly] enslaving countries issue huge monetary compensation to help them return to Africa.”

CONTACT: Kasyo Perrier, 617-967-6179, [email protected]

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