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ECCB and Toronto Centre Lead Workshop on “Coping with Climate Change and Other Environmental Risks”

The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and Toronto Centre lead workshop for supervisors and regulators of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union to help identify climate and other environmental risks to financial institutions, economies, and consumers

CaribPR Wire, BASSETERRE, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dec. 02, 2019: At the request of, and in partnership with, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Toronto Centre is holding its first five-day cross-cutting climate risk workshop. The workshop is aimed at helping financial sector supervisors and regulators identify the risks that climate change and other environmental factors pose to financial institutions, economies, consumers and vulnerable groups. Participants will learn how to develop action plans to deal with climate change and other environmental risks, and how to identify and communicate effectively with key stakeholders to achieve results.

The IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report, 2019 prominently highlights climate risk as a risk to financial stability. In addition to examining the nature of these risks and their potential effects, the program identifies steps that supervisors and financial institutions can take to deal with these risks. Product design, investment, lending, and strengthening risk management and stress testing are areas that supervisors and financial institutions can explore. The workshop additionally highlights steps that could be taken to manage risks to consumers, such as improving financial literacy and inclusion.

Timothy N.J. Antoine, Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) said: “As the custodians of the payment system, our Central Bank is advocating for and facilitating disaster and climate resilience strategies inclusive of investment in physical and digital infrastructure, early warning systems, and fiscal resilience. ECCB is pleased to host this inaugural workshop on coping with climate change and other environmental risks and key actions that can be taken by supervisors and those they supervise to deal with these risks. Toronto Centre’s capacity building efforts are essential as financial sector supervisors and regulators in our region tackle these risks.”

Babak Abbaszadeh, CEO and President, Toronto Centre said: “Climate risk is an emerging risk for financial policy makers, standard setters, and supervisors. Toronto Centre applauds the ECCB’s initiative and leadership to be an early mover in building their capacity to deal with climate risk.”


The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) was established in October 1983. It is the monetary authority for a group of eight small country economies namely – Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Agreement establishing the ECCB as the monetary authority for the eight ECCB participating governments was signed on 5 July 1983 in Trinidad and Tobago. The ECCB was officially commissioned on 1 October 1983, replacing the Eastern Caribbean Currency Authority (ECCA) which was established in March 1965.

The primary objective of the ECCB is to maintain the stability of the Eastern Caribbean Currency and the integrity of the banking system.


Established in 1998, Toronto Centre for Global Leadership in Financial Supervision (Toronto Centre) is an independent not-for-profit organization that promotes financial stability and access to financial services globally. Our mission is to provide high quality capacity building programs for financial supervisors and regulators, primarily in emerging markets and developing countries. We believe that for countries to thrive, their financial systems must be stable and inclusive. Our mission supports sustainable growth and job creation and helps to reduce poverty by helping to build these economic foundations. In turn, stable, sustainable economic growth is a vital enabler of infrastructure investments, strengthening international trade and reducing poverty as confirmed by the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, Financing for Development. Our mission is aligned with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. Since our inception, we have trained more than 12,000 supervisors and regulators from over 190 jurisdictions. Toronto Centre is supported by Global Affairs Canada, the International Monetary Fund, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Comic Relief, Jersey Overseas Aid, and other valuable international partners.

El Banco Central del Caribe Oriental (ECCB) y Toronto Centre dirigen un taller sobre “Cómo enfrentar el cambio climático y otros riesgos ambientales”

El Banco Central del Caribe Oriental y Toronto Centre dirigen un taller para supervisores y reguladores de la Unión Monetaria del Caribe Oriental para poder identificar riesgos climáticos y otros riesgos ambientales para instituciones financieras, economías y consumidores

CaribPR Wire, BASSETERRE, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Dec. 02, 2019: A pedido del Banco Central del Caribe Oriental, y en asociación con este, Toronto Centre llevará a cabo su primer taller transversal de cinco días. El taller tiene por objeto ayudar a los supervisores y reguladores del sector financiero a identificar los riesgos que el cambio climático y otros factores ambientales plantean para las instituciones financieras, las economías, los consumidores y los grupos vulnerables.  Los participantes aprenderán cómo desarrollar planes de acción para enfrentar el cambio climático y otros riesgos ambientales y a cómo identificar y comunicar en forma eficaz a las partes interesadas clave para lograr resultados.

El Informe sobre la estabilidad financiera mundial de 2019 del FMI destaca claramente al riesgo climático como un riesgo para la estabilidad financiera. Además de analizar la naturaleza de estos riesgos y sus posibles efectos, el programa identifica los pasos que los supervisores y las instituciones financieras pueden tomar para enfrentarlos. El diseño del producto, la inversión, el préstamo y el fortalecimiento de la gestión de riesgos y las pruebas de resistencia son áreas que pueden examinar los supervisores y las instituciones financieras. Asimismo, el taller destaca los pasos que podrían tomarse para manejar los riesgos para los consumidores, como mejorar la educación y la inclusión financiera.

Timothy N.J. Antoine, Gobernador del Banco Central del Caribe Oriental (ECCB) afirmó: “Como custodios del sistema de pagos, nuestro Banco Central defiende y facilita las  estrategias para la resistencia ante el clima y los desastres, que incluyen la inversión en infraestructura física y digital, sistemas de advertencia temprana y resistencia fiscal. ECCB se complace en organizar este taller inaugural sobre cambio climático y otros riesgos ambientales, y las medidas clave que pueden tomar los supervisores y aquellos a quienes supervisan para enfrentar estos riesgos. Las medidas de desarrollo de capacidades de Toronto Centre son esenciales, dado que los supervisores y reguladores del sector financiero en nuestra región enfrentan estos riesgos”.

Babak Abbaszadeh, Director ejecutivo (CEO) y Presidente de Toronto Centre, sostuvo lo siguiente: “El riesgo climático es un riesgo emergente para las autoridades responsables de políticas financieras, las personas que establecen estándares y los supervisores. Toronto Centre aclama la iniciativa y el liderazgo del ECCB por ser uno de los pioneros en promover el desarrollo de su capacidad para enfrentar el riesgo climático.”


El Banco Central del Caribe Oriental (ECCB) se fundó en octubre de 1983. Es la autoridad monetaria de un grupo de economías de ocho pequeños países, a saber, Anguila, Antigua y Barbuda, Dominica, Granada, Montserrat, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Santa Lucía y San Vicente y las Granadinas.

El Acuerdo que estableció al ECCB como la autoridad monetaria para los ochos gobiernos que participan del ECCB se suscribió el 5 de julio de 1983 en Trinidad y Tobago.  El ECCB recibió la autorización oficial el 1.º de octubre de 1983, en reemplazo de la Autoridad Monetaria del Caribe Oriental (ECCA), que se fundó en marzo de 1965.

El objetivo principal del ECCB es mantener la estabilidad de la moneda del Caribe Oriental y la integridad del sistema bancario.


Fundado en 1998, el Toronto Centre for Global Leadership in Financial Supervision (Toronto Centre) es una organización independiente sin fines de lucro que promueve la estabilidad financiera y el acceso a los servicios financieros en todo el mundo. Nuestra misión es proporcionar programas de capacitación de alta calidad para supervisores y reguladores financieros, principalmente en mercados emergentes y países en desarrollo. Creemos que para que los países prosperen, sus sistemas financieros deben ser estables e inclusivos. Nuestra misión apoya el crecimiento sostenible y la creación de empleo y ayuda a reducir la pobreza ayudando a construir estas bases económicas. A su vez, un crecimiento económico estable y sostenible es un factor vital para facilitar las inversiones en infraestructuras, reforzar el comercio internacional y reducir la pobreza, como confirman los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas para 2030 y la Financiación para el Desarrollo (Agenda de Acción de Addis Abeba) Nuestra misión concuerda con la Política de Asistencia Internacional Feminista de Canadá. Desde nuestros inicios, hemos capacitado a más de 12.000 supervisores y reguladores de más de 190 jurisdicciones. Toronto Centre cuenta con el apoyo de Global Affairs Canada, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, la Agencia Sueca de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (ASDI), la organización Comic Relief, la organización Jersey Overseas Aid y otros valiosos socios internacionales.

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Global Financial Technology Provider Equisoft Appoints Ruben Veerasamy as Head of the Caribbean Region

MONTREAL, Oct. 30, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - Equisoft, a leading global financial technology company providing advanced solutions for the insurance and wealth industries, today officially announced the appointment of Ruben Veerasamy as Senior Vice President, Caribbean.

Equisoft’s strategic objective is to diversify and accelerate their global expansion. The company has delivered significant strategic business value in the Caribbean market for more than 10 years, working with clients in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Bermuda and Trinidad, and is continuing to scale up rapidly. With the objective of developing a team dedicated to servicing Caribbean clients, the time has come to nominate a leader for the region.

Ruben has performed different delivery and sales roles at Equisoft for over 10 years. With over 20 years of experience in the IT industry, he brings a strong expertise in establishing and managing sustainable client, partner and employee relationships.

“Ruben’s ability to build connections and confidence has been instrumental in helping us develop a great reputation in the Caribbean over the years,” said Equisoft’s CEO, Luis Romero. “We already serve six companies with our insurance and wealth solutions, and we are shortlisted for multiple large opportunities in the region. Appointing a dedicated leader was the next logical step to make sure that we provide our customers with the level of support they are expecting from their technology partner.”

“Being active in the region since 2009, we have a deep understanding of the specific challenges that Caribbean insurers and financial institutions are facing, both from a business and technology standpoint,” said Ruben. “I’m looking forward to continuing to work closely with our customers to help them achieve their business goals.”

About Equisoft

Founded in 1994, Equisoft is a global provider of advanced digital solutions in life insurance and wealth management. Recognized as a valued partner by over 50 of the world’s leading financial institutions in 15 countries, Equisoft offers innovative front-end applications, extensive back-office services and a unique data migration expertise. The firm’s industry-leading products include CRM, financial needs analysis, asset allocation, quotes and illustrations, electronic application, agency management systems, as well as customer, agent and broker portals. Equisoft is also Oracle’s main global partner for the Oracle Insurance Policy Administration platform. With its business-driven approach, deep industry knowledge, state-of-the-art technology, and a growing team of over 400 specialized resources based in the USA, Canada, Latin America, South Africa and India, Equisoft helps financial institutions tackle any challenge in this new era of digital disruption. Website:

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Leclanché and Government of St. Kitts Agree to Build Largest Solar Generation Plus Storage Project in Caribbean

Fully Integrated Solar Photovoltaic and Lithium‐ion Battery Energy Storage System Will Provide Clean and Reliable Energy for Residents of St. Kitts and Nevis

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts and Nevis, DALLAS and YVERDON LES BAINS, Switzerland, Aug. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC

PR WIRE/ — The largest solar generation plus energy storage project ever to be built in the Caribbean has been

announced by the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, the state-owned St. Kitts Electric Company (SKELEC)

and Leclanché SA (SIX: LECN), one of the world’s leading energy storage companies.

The Honorable Ian Patches Liburd, St. Kitts and Nevis Minister of Public Infrastructure, Post, Urban Development and Transport, said: “We are set to embark on this vital solar+storage project as a key part of our renewable energy thrust that is critical to the future development of our country.”

The 35.6 MW solar energy plant and 44.2 MWh battery storage facility will be built on government provided land in the Basseterre Valley, adjacent to the City of Basseterre and the current SKELEC PowerStation on the island of St. Kitts. It will provide the residents of this Caribbean twin-island Federation with a reliable and renewable clean energy source with fixed cost savings compared to the current diesel-generated power system. The system will provide between 25-30% of the nation’s current power generation needs, while displacing the same amount of diesel-generated capacity.

The solar storage project will help solidify the financial strength of SKELEC over the next 20+ years, while substantially reducing the islands’ fuel cost over that period,”said Liburd“The expected fuel avoidance cost from the installation of the solar farm will not only be beneficial to the energy demand of the Federation but represents that most viable option for securing SKELEC’s financial future.”

Leclanché will serve as the prime engineering, procurement and construction contractor for the installation of both the solar photovoltaic (PV) system and battery energy storage system (BESS).

“We want to thank Prime Minister Timothy Harris, Public Infrastructure Minister Liburd, the Government of St. Kitts-Nevis, and the SKELEC Board and Executive Team for their tremendous vision, cooperation and efforts in support of this exciting project,” said Anil Srivastava, CEO of Leclanché“This project marks the first time a megawatt-scale solar energy system, stabilized by a state-of-the art lithium battery energy storage system, can be utilized to provide true ‘base load’ power for a utility on a Caribbean island. It sends a strong signal to other Caribbean countries, and those around the world, that there is a cleaner, more cost-efficient and viable alternative to diesel power.”

Minister Liburd said“We are pleased to partner with Leclanché, one of the world’s leading energy storage solution providers, in this milestone project for the citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis. The solar and battery storage project represents a giant step forward in the government’s efforts to ensure a clean, safe and affordable energy future for our country. This project offers many benefits for our residents, businesses and the millions of tourists who visit St. Kitts and Nevis each year.”

The government recently approved an allocation of land for the project site which will be provided under a lease between the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis and the project company. SKELEC and Leclanché have already entered into a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) which ensures the system will supply essential power capacity for St. Kitts for many years to come.

Leclanché has established a St. Kitts special purpose vehicle (SPV) along with local partner Solrid, to fund, own and operate the facility. Once the energy generation and storage project is completed and delivered, Leclanché will be responsible for the management of all project operations, maintenance and equipment warranties.

“SKELEC’s leadership in this solar generation and storage project is commendable on many levels,” said St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Timothy Sylvester Harris“This project is an example of the bold thinking and actions being undertaken by our electric utility to ensure a reliable power supply and a cleaner, more sustainable environment for our citizens and tourists.”

“The cost of this project to St. Kitts and Nevis citizens is zero,” said Bryan Urban, Executive Vice President and Head of Leclanché Stationary Business Unit“It is being fully paid-for over 20 years through the savings created by the switch to clean and reliable solar energy.”

Ground-breaking for the solar and energy storage project is scheduled for mid-October 2019 with an anticipated completion date of September 2020.

For more information, write to [email protected] or visit

About Leclanché
Headquartered in Switzerland, Leclanché SA is a leading provider of high-quality energy storage solutions designed to accelerate our progress towards a clean energy future. Leclanché’s history and heritage is rooted in over 100 years of battery and energy storage innovation and the Company is a trusted provider of energy storage solutions globally. This coupled with the Company’s culture of German engineering and Swiss precision and quality, continues to make Leclanché the partner of choice for both disruptors, established companies and governments who are pioneering positive changes in how energy is produced, distributed and consumed around the world. The energy transition is being driven primarily by changes in the management of our electricity networks and the electrification of transport, and these two end markets form the backbone of our strategy and business model. Leclanché is at the heart of the convergence of the electrification of transport and the changes in the distribution network. Leclanché is the only listed pure play energy storage company in the world, organised along three business units: stationary storage solutions, e-Transport solutions and specialty batteries systems. Leclanché is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX: LECN).

SIX Swiss Exchange: ticker symbol LECN | ISIN CH 011 030 311 9

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to Leclanché’s business, which can be identified by terminology such as “strategic”, “proposes”, “to introduce”, “will”, “planned”, “expected”, “commitment”, “expects”, “set”, “preparing”, “plans”, “estimates”, “aims”, “would”, “potential”, “awaiting”, “estimated”, “proposal”, or similar expressions, or by expressed or implied discussions regarding the ramp up of Leclanché’s production capacity, potential applications for existing products, or regarding potential future revenues from any such products, or potential future sales or earnings of Leclanché or any of its business units. You should not place undue reliance on these statements. Such forward-looking statements reflect the current views of Leclanché regarding future events, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. There can be no guarantee that Leclanché’s products will achieve any particular revenue levels. Nor can there be any guarantee that Leclanché, or any of the business units, will achieve any particular financial results.

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Cloud Carib Ranked Among top third World’s Most Elite 501 Managed Service Providers

12th Annual MSP 501 Identifies Top Forward-Thinking Global MSPs & Leading Trends in Managed Services.

CARIBPR WIRE, BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, July 18, 2019: Cloud Carib has been named as one of the world’s premier managed service providers on the prestigious 12th-annual Channel Futures MSP 501 rankings. Coming in above all other providers in the Caribbean and Latin America, and #160 out of 501 managed service providers worldwide, there’s a lot to be proud of for The Bahamas owned and headquartered company.

Every year, MSPs worldwide complete an extensive survey and application to report their product offerings, growth rates, annual total and recurring revenues, pricing structures, revenue mix and more. MSPs were ranked according to a unique methodology that weights revenue figures according to how well the applicant’s business strategy anticipates trends in the fast-evolving channel ecosystem.

Channel Futures is pleased to name Cloud Carib to the 2019 MSP 501.

“We’re honored to be awarded #160 out of the top 501 MSPs worldwide, and to be the highest rated in both the Caribbean and Latin American regions,” said Scott MacKenzie, CEO, Cloud Carib. “We’re proud to be recognized on a global scale and take it as further evidence that we’re helping transform this region and establishing the Bahamas as a tech hub of the region. Every year more MSPs enter the market and competition gets fiercer, our ranking demonstrates our dedication to our client’s business needs, our thirst for innovation and forward thinking as well as our ability to compete on a global scale”.

In the 12 years since its inception, the MSP 501 has evolved from a competitive ranking list into a vibrant group of service providers, vendors, distributors, consultants and industry analysts working together to define the growing managed service opportunity.

“The 2019 MSP 501 winners are the most elite, innovative and strategic IT service providers on the planet, and they stand as a model of excellence in the industry,” says Kris Blackmon, Content Director of Channel Partners and Channel Futures and lead of the MSP 501 program. “As the MSP 501 Community grows, leagues of managed service providers learn from the successes of these winning companies, gaining insight into the best practices, strategies and technologies that elevate an MSP to the level of the 501 winners. Our heartfelt congratulations to the 2019 winners and gratitude to the thousands of MSPs that have contributed to the continuing growth and success of both the 501 and the thriving managed services sector.”

In addition to deciding the rankings, the survey drives the creation of an annual in-depth study of business and technology trends in the IT channel, released each year at the Channel Partners Evolution conference. The full MSP 501 Report leverages applicant responses, interviews with industry experts and historical data to give a well-rounded picture of the managed services opportunity.

The complete 2019 MSP 501 list is available at Channel Futures.

About Cloud Carib
Cloud Carib is the region’s premier provider of managed cloud services founded upon the principles of delivering quality, agility, and value for every client. Solutions range from complex bespoke dedicated private cloud offerings to hybrid cloud services. Every solution provides clients with controlled costs, unrivaled levels of service, and unparalleled levels of data protection and privacy – when and where privacy matters.

Cloud Carib clasificada entre los tres principales Proveedores de Servicios Gestionados 501 de mayor elite en el mundo

La duodécima MSP 501 anual identifica los principales MSPs visionarios & las tendencias líderes mundiales en servicios gestionados

CARIBPR WIRE BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, July 18, 2019: Cloud Carib fue nombrada como uno de los principales proveedores de servicios gestionados del mundo en la prestigiosa duodécima clasificación anual Channel Futures MSP 501. Posicionándose en primer lugar entre todos los proveedores en el Caribe y América Latina, y #160 entre 501 proveedores de servicios gestionados en todo el mundo, hay mucho para estar orgullosos de la empresa de propiedad y con sede en Las Bahamas.

Cada año, los MSPs en todo el mundo completan una extensiva encuesta y solicitud para informar sus ofertas de producto, tasas de crecimiento y utilidades recurrentes, estructuras de precios, mezcla de utilidades y más. Los MSPs fueron clasificados de acuerdo a una metodología exclusiva que pondera las cifras de utilidades según el resultado que la estrategia de negocios del participante anticipa las tendencias en el ecosistema de canal de rápida evolución.

Channel Futures se complace en nombrar a Cloud Carib para la MSP 501 de 2019.

“Nos honra ser galardonados #160 entre los top 501 MSPs en todo el mundo, y tener las más alta clasificación en las regiones del Caribe y América Latina”, dijo Scott MacKenzie, director ejecutivo de Cloud Carib. “Nos enorgullece ser reconocidos a escala global y tener aún mayor evidencia de que estamos ayudando a transformar esta región y estableciendo Las Bahamas como un centro tecnológico en la región. Cada año más MSPs penetran al mercado y la competencia se vuelve cada vez más fuerte, nuestra clasificación demuestra nuestra dedicación a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, nuestra sed de innovación y visión futura, así como nuestra capacidad para competir a una escala global”.

En los doce años desde sus inicios, la MSP 501 ha evolucionado desde una lista de clasificación competitiva a un grupo energético de proveedores de servicios, distribuidores, consultores y analistas de la industria que trabajan conjuntamente para definir la creciente demanda de la oportunidad de servicios gestionados.

“Los ganadores de MSP 501 de 2019 son los proveedores de servicios de IT de mayor elite, innovadores y estratégicos en el planeta, y están catalogados como un modelo de excelencia en la industria”, dice Kris Blackmon, director de contenido de Channel Partners y Channel Futures y líder del programa MSP 501. “A medida que crece la comunidad MSP 501, las ligas de proveedores de servicios gestionados aprenden de los éxitos de estas compañías ganadoras, obteniendo una perspectiva de las mejores prácticas, estrategias y tecnologías que elevan un MSP al nivel de los ganadores 501. Nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones para los ganadores de 2019 y nuestra gratitud a los miles de MSPs que han contribuido al continuo crecimiento y éxito del programa 501, así como del próspero sector de servicios gestionados”.

Además de decidir las clasificaciones, la encuesta conduce la creación de un estudio profundo anual de las tendencias de negocios y tecnología en el canal de IT, publicado cada año en la conferencia Channel Partners Evolution. El informe completo MSP 501 utiliza las respuestas del solicitante, entrevistas con expertos de la industria y datos históricas para proporcionar un cuatro completo de la oportunidad de servicios gestionados.

La lista complete de MSP 501 de 2019 está disponible en Channel Futures.

Acerca de Cloud Carib
Cloud Carib es el principal proveedor de servicios gestionados en la nube de la región y se basa en los principios de ofrecer calidad, agilidad y valor para para cada uno de sus clientes. Las soluciones van desde ofertas complejas personalizadas de nube privada a servicios de nube híbrida. Cada solución proporciona a los clientes costos controlados, niveles de servicio inigualables y niveles de protección de datos y privacidad incomparables: cuando y donde la privacidad importa.

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PaySett Corporation expands its regional payment partnership with JMMB Group of Trinidad & Tobago

PaySett’s market proven PayBank® payments solution will contribute to the growth of electronic payments in Trinidad & Tobago.

ATLANTA and PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad and Tobago, July 17, 2019 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ – PaySett Corporation, a global provider of ePayment solutions and JMMB Group, announced today an expansion of their partnership to continue to drive up electronic payments adoption in the Caribbean region.

Jesus Garcia, VP of Business Development, commented, “Regional financial institutions like JMMB rely on PayBank® to process a large volume of electronic payments from multiple banking channels which creates efficiencies that reduce operational costs while providing more innovative services to their customer base.”  PayBank’s robust feature set and adaptability across payment systems in many different countries allows global and regional banks to standardize their payment processing in a global environment. These capabilities allow for fast deployment of new payment innovations on a global basis.  PayBank® is part of a suite of products from PaySett that allows for the processing of both consumer and corporate payments in a real time or batch environment.  Mr. Garcia further commented, “For over a decade, JMMB has relied on PaySett’s solutions for their payment processing needs and we look forward to further collaboration in the region.”

Lisa-Maria Alexander, Chief Marketing Officer at JMMB Group also commented, “We are really pleased to partner with PaySett in bringing increased efficiency and innovation to our clients here in Trinidad & Tobago.”

About PaySett Corporation

Atlanta, Georgia based PaySett Corporation is a global provider of payment software solutions. PaySett provides products/services to assist global financial entities to effectively manage the way money moves throughout their organizations and for their customers. PaySett’s two decades of experience moving payments through national and international payment networks has allowed for the development of advance payment software for assisting global banks with the capability to enhance their regional and global payment network processing capabilities.  Fifteen of the top twenty global banks process payments through PaySett software.

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