Posts Tagged ‘#canadanews’

Canada Under Investigation by UN Partner for Anti-Black Discrimination

CARIBPR WIRE, TORONTO,  Canada , Weds. June 12, 2024: In a landmark decision, the international body that hands out human rights accreditations has concluded that there is enough basis to review Canada’s “A” status – an unprecedented move that puts it among the ranks of countries like Russia, Iraq, and Venezuela.

The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) — a United Nations partner — has launched a “Special Review” of the accreditation of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). This comes as the result of a complaint by a coalition of Canadian human rights organizations, which submitted federal findings of anti-Black discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Commission as evidence.

Despite admitting to human rights violations, the Canadian government is currently vying for a seat in the United Nations Human Rights Council from 2028-2030, with a vote happening in 2026.

“With this international review, the Canadian government is now on notice,” says Nicholas Marcus Thompson, with the Black Class Action Secretariat, the coalition lead. “It cannot claim to be a global leader in human rights, while discriminating against its own at home.”

If the international body finds there are grounds to downgrade the CHRC to “B” status, for the first time ever, it will no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council, its subsidiary bodies, and some General Assembly bodies and mechanisms. Further, it will lose the right to vote and hold governance positions at GANHRI.

“The implications of this decision are very serious as Canada has never had its status reviewed in its more than 30 years as a GANHRI member,” says Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretary General for Amnesty International Canada. “We urge the Canadian government and the Commission to take all necessary measures to guarantee the integrity of the Commission and its critical role for Canadians.”

In line with the International Decade for People of African Descent, the coalition is calling for:

  • JUSTICE: Creating a properly funded direct-access model to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (removing CHRC’s role as a gatekeeper with the power to dismiss claims before they reach the Tribunal).
  • RECOGNITION: Expediting Employment Equity Act amendments to include Black people as an employment equity group.
  • DEVELOPMENT: Appointing a Black Equity Commissioner to address discrimination in the public service.



On Feb 26, 2024, a coalition of human rights organizations submitted a complaint to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).

The coalition consists of: The Black Class Action Secretariat (BCAS), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA), The Enchanté Network, the Red Coalition, the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC), 613-819 Black Hub, the Black Canadians Civil Society Coalition (BCCSC) and The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

The group provided as evidence: the findings of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s and the Senate Human Rights Committee’s findings of anti-black discrimination.

The complaint highlighted: violations to international human rights laws, and the Paris Principles, internationally agreed upon minimum standards which member human rights institutions are required to adhere to.

The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) is one of the largest human rights networks worldwide, representing more than 110 National Human rights institutions. It is a recognised, and trusted partner, of the United Nations. GANHRI’s Sub-Committee on Accreditation is responsible for reviewing and accrediting national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles. The SCA met March 26-28 and published its report and recommendations on June 7, 2024. It decided to initiate a review of Iraq and Canada.

Canada has been a member of GANHRI since its inception in 1993, through the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Its last accreditation review period was from 2016-2022, with its next review slated for 2027. This unprecedented “Special Review”, which Canada has never been subject to in its member history, will investigate the five year period preceding its most recent “A” status accreditation in 2022.

GANHRI members are reviewed every 5 years. As of December 2023, GANHRI is composed of 120 members: 88 “A” status accredited NHRIs and 32 “B” status accredited NHRIs.

There are currently two levels of accreditation:
Status “A” (Fully compliant with the Paris Principles): Institutions participate fully in the international and regional work and meetings of national institutions as voting members, and they can hold office in the Bureau of the International Coordinating Committee or any sub-committee the Bureau establishes. They are also able to participate in sessions of the Human Rights Council and take the floor under any agenda item, submit documentation and take up separate seating.
Status “B” (Partially compliant with the Paris Principles): Institutions may participate as observers in the international and regional meetings of the national human rights institutions. They cannot vote or hold office with the Bureau or its sub-committees. They are not given NHRIs badges, nor may they take the floor under agenda items and submit documentation to the Human Rights Council.

Countries that have previously been under Special Review: Burundi, Madagascar, Nigeria, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Indonesia, Jordan, Nepal, Great Britain, Panama, Venezuela, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Russia, Iraq.

Special Review Process and timeline: GANHRI will conduct Canada’s Special Review in the fall of 2024, with a decision in the ensuing months. It will examine the five year period from 2016-2022 that led to its most recent “A” status accreditation. If Canada is downgraded to “B” status, it will no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council, its subsidiary bodies and some General Assembly bodies and mechanisms, and will lose the right to vote and hold governance positions at GANHRI.



MAP: Countries subjected to Special Review

MAP: GANHRI countries with A/B certifications

Canadá bajo investigación por socio de la ONU por discriminación contra los negros

CARIBPR WIRE, TORONTO,  Canada , Weds. June 12, 2024: En una decisión histórica, el organismo internacional que otorga acreditaciones de derechos humanos concluyó que hay suficiente fundamento para una revisión del estatus “A” de Canadá, una medida sin precedentes que la posiciona Canadá entre los rangos de países como Rusia, Irak y Venezuela.

La Alianza Global de Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos (GANHRI), un socio de las Naciones Unidas, lanzó una “Revisión Especial” de la acreditación de la Comisión Canadiense de Derechos Humanos (CHRC). Esto ocurre como resultado de una denuncia de una coalición de organizaciones canadienses de derechos humanos, que presentaron conclusiones federales sobre discriminación contra los negros como prueba ante la Comisión Canadiense de Derechos Humanos.

A pesar de admitir violaciones a los derechos humanos, el gobierno canadiense actualmente compite por un puesto en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas para el período de 2028 a 2030, la votación se realizará en 2026.

“Con esta revisión internacional, el gobierno canadiense ahora está bajo aviso”, dice Nicholas Marcus Thompson, de la Black Class Action Secretariat (Secretaría de Acción de Clase Negra), líder de la coalición. “No puede pretender ser un líder mundial en derechos humanos, mientras discrimina a su propia gente en su país”.

Si el organismo internacional comprueba que hay fundamentos para degradar la CHRC a estatus “B”, por primera vez en la historia, ya no tendrá derechos de participación independiente en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, sus órganos subsidiarios y algunos órganos y mecanismos de la Asamblea General. Además, perderá el derecho a votar y ocupar posiciones gubernamentales en GANHRI.

“Las implicaciones de esta decisión son muy graves, ya que Canadá nunca tuvo que someter su estatus a revisión en sus más de 30 años como miembro de GANHRI”, dice Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretaria General de Amnistía Internacional Canadá. “Instamos al gobierno canadiense y a la Comisión a tomar todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar la integridad de la Comisión y su papel fundamental para los canadienses”.

Alineada con el Decenio Internacional para los Afrodescendientes, la coalición pide:

  • JUSTICIA: Crear un modelo de acceso directo adecuadamente financiado al Tribunal Canadiense de Derechos Humanos (eliminando el papel de CHRC como guardián con el poder de desestimar las reclamaciones antes de que lleguen al Tribunal).
  • RECONOCIMIENTO: Agilizar las enmiendas a la Ley de Equidad en el Empleo para incluir a las personas de la raza negra como un grupo de equidad en el empleo.
  • DESARROLLO: Nombrar a un Comisionado de Equidad Negra para abordar la discriminación en el servicio público.



El 26 de febrero de 2024, una coalición de organizaciones de derechos humanos presentó una denuncia ante la Alianza Global de Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos (GANHRI).

La coalición consiste en: The Black Class Action Secretariat (BCAS), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA), The Enchanté Network, the Red Coalition, the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC), 613-819 Black Hub, the Black Canadians Civil Society Coalition (BCCSC) y The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

El grupo proporcionó como evidencia: los hallazgos de la Secretaría de la Junta del Tesoro de Canadá y los hallazgos del Comité de Derechos Humanos del Senado sobre la discriminación contra los negros.

La denuncia destacó: violaciones de las leyes internacionales de derechos humanos y los Principios de París, acordaron internacionalmente estándares mínimos que las instituciones de derechos humanos miembros deben cumplir.

La Alianza Global de Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos (GANHRI) es una de las mayores redes de derechos humanos en todo el mundo, que representa a más de 110 instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos. Es un socio reconocido y de confianza de las Naciones Unidas. El Subcomité de Acreditación de GANHRI se encarga de la revisión y acreditación de las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos de conformidad con los Principios de París. El SCA se reunió del 26 al 28 de marzo y publicó su informe y recomendaciones el 7 de junio de 2024. Decidió iniciar una revisión de Irak y Canadá.

Canadá ha sido miembro de GANHRI desde sus inicios en 1993, a través de la Comisión Canadiense de Derechos Humanos. Su último período de revisión de la acreditación fue de 2016-2022, y su próxima revisión está programada para 2027. Esta “Revisión Especial” sin precedentes, a la que Canadá nunca ha estado sujeta en su historia de miembro, investigará el período de cinco años anterior a su acreditación de estatus “A” más reciente en 2022.

Los miembros de GANHRI se someten a revisión cada cinco años. A diciembre de 2023, GANHRI está compuesta por 120 miembros: 88 INDH acreditadas con estatus “A” y 32 INDH acreditadas con estatus “B”.

Actualmente existen dos niveles de acreditación:
Estado «A» (Totalmente conforme con los Principios de París): Las instituciones participan plenamente en el trabajo y las reuniones internacionales y regionales de las instituciones nacionales como miembros con derecho a voto, y pueden ocupar cargos en la Oficina del Comité Internacional de Coordinación o en cualquier subcomité que establezca la Oficina. También pueden participar en las sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos y tomar la palabra en relación con cualquier tema de la agenda, presentar documentación y ocupar posiciones separadas.
Estatus “B” (parcialmente conforme con los Principios de París): Las instituciones pueden participar como observadores en las reuniones internacionales y regionales de las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos. No pueden votar ni ocupar cargos en la Oficina o sus subcomités. No se les dan insignias de INDH, ni pueden tomar la palabra en relación con los temas de la agenda y presentar documentación al Consejo de Derechos Humanos.

Países que han estado previamente bajo Revisión Especial: Burundi, Madagascar, Nigeria, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, México, Indonesia, Jordania, Nepal, Gran Bretaña, Panamá, Venezuela, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Afganistán, Rusia, Irak.

Proceso de revisión especial y cronograma: GANHRI llevará a cabo la Revisión Especial de Canadá en el otoño de 2024, con una decisión en los meses posteriores. Examinará el período de cinco años de 2016-2022 que condujo a su acreditación de estatus “A” más reciente. Si Canadá pasa a la categoría “B”, ya no tendrá derechos de participación independiente en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, sus órganos subsidiarios y algunos órganos y mecanismos de la Asamblea General, y perderá el derecho de voto y ocupar cargos de gobernanza en GANHRI.


VIDEO: Reunión de GANHRI

MAPA: Países sometidos a Revisión Especial

MAPA: Países GANHRI con certificaciones A/B

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Parkland enters into agreement to sell its Canadian propane business

Parkland enters into agreement to sell its Canadian propane business

CALGARY, AB, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Parkland Corporation (”Parkland”, “we”, the “Company”, or “our”) (TSX: PKI), announced today it has entered into an agreement with Avenir Energy Ltd. to divest its Canadian commercial propane business for cash consideration of approximately $115 million, and to exclusively supply fuel for ten years (the “Divestment”).

“This transaction is a big step toward achieving our target of $500 million from the divestment of non-core assets by the end of 2025,” says Ian White, President of Parkland Canada. “By focusing on our core assets, we are simplifying our business to improve returns. Driven by our customer focus, we continue to see tremendous opportunity to deliver growth and value from our Canadian business.”

Subject to certain closing conditions, the transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2024. Scotiabank is acting as the financial advisor for the Divestment.

About Parkland Corporation

Parkland is an international fuel distributor, marketer, and convenience retailer with operations in 26 countries across the Americas. We serve over one million customers each day. Our retail network meets the fuel and convenience needs of everyday consumers. Our commercial operations provide businesses with industrial fuels so that they can better serve their customers. In addition to meeting our customers’ needs for essential fuels, we provide a range of choices to help them lower their environmental impact. These include renewable fuels sourcing, manufacturing, and blending, carbon and renewables trading, solar power, and ultra-fast EV charging. With approximately 4,000 retail and commercial locations across Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean region, we have developed supply, distribution, and trading capabilities to accelerate growth and business performance.

Our strategy is focused on two pillars: our Customer Advantage and our Supply Advantage. Through our Customer Advantage, we aim to be the first choice of our customers, cultivating their loyalty through proprietary brands, differentiated offers, our extensive network, competitive pricing, reliable service, and our compelling loyalty program. Our Supply Advantage is based on achieving the lowest cost to serve among independent fuel marketers and distributors in the hard-to-serve markets in which we operate, through our well-positioned assets, significant scale, and deep supply and logistics capabilities. Our business is underpinned by our people and our values of safety, integrity, community, and respect, which are deeply embedded across our organization.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking information and statements (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). When used in this news release the words “expect”, “will”, “achieving”, “see”, “continue”, “pursue” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements with respect to, among other things, the successful completion of the Divestment and the timing thereof; expected benefits of the Divestment, including: the potential to complete $500 million in divestments by the end of 2025 and the continued growth of Parkland’s Canadian business.

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. No assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Parkland does not undertake any obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements except as may be required by securities law. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of numerous risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, failure to complete the Divestment; failure to satisfy the conditions to closing of the Divestment; failure to realize all or any of the anticipated benefits of the Divestment; general economic, market and business conditions; competitive action by other companies; the ability of suppliers to meet commitments; actions by governmental authorities and other regulators including but not limited to increases in taxes or restricted access to markets; changes and developments in environmental and other regulations; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Parkland. See also the risks and uncertainties described in “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” included in Parkland’s Annual Information Form dated February 27, 2024, and “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” included in the Q4 2023 MD&A dated February 27, 2024 and the Q1 2024 MD&A dated May 1, 2024, each filed on SEDAR and available on the Parkland website at

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Seven Canadian Trailblazers To Be Honored at the 15th Annual University of West Indies Toronto Benefit Awards

The fundraiser supports scholarships for Caribbean Students studying at UWI

For Immediate Release

CARIBPR WIRE, Toronto, ON, March 7, 2024 (Toronto, ON) – The 15th Annual University of West Indies (UWI) Toronto Benefit Awards celebrates the 2024 Honorees of its fundraiser in support of scholarships for Caribbean students on Saturday April 20th, 2024 at the prestigious Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 181 Wellington Street, Toronto at 5:30pm EST. The sold-out gala affair is hosted by The University of the West Indies (UWI), top ranked among the world’s best universities, with Scotiabank as Lead Sponsor for the 15th consecutive year.

“The UWI Toronto Benefit Awards has provided 850 scholarships and bursaries to Caribbean students over the years” exclaimed Elizabeth Buchanan-Hind, Executive Director of University’s Institutional Advancement Division. “We know that education is the pathway to success as is evident with those who graduated and have gone onto great careers because they were able to attend The University of West Indies and get a world class education.”

Primary sponsors for this year’s event include Dr. Donette Chin-Loy Chang, Sprott Inc., The Hibbert Family Foundation, and BDO.

Under this year’s theme, Lighting the Way Together, this not-to-be missed night on the Toronto social calendar cultivates a high-profile guest list of corporate executives, public personalities and  community members committed to giving back to the Caribbean diaspora.

The distinguished 2024 Honourees are:

●     Luminary Award: The Honourable Mr. Justice Hugh L. Fraser, O.C., FCIArb., CollArb, OLY - Mediator, Arbitrator and Human Rights Activist

●     G. Raymond Chang Award: Mr. Raj Kothari, FCPA, FCA, MBA – Business Leader and Humanitarian

●     Chancellor’s Award: Air Canada - Global Organization serving the Caribbean

●     Vice Chancellor’s Award: Dr. Pamela Appelt, OD - Court of Canadian Citizenship Justice (Ret.), Humanitarian; Mr. Stanley J. Julien - Head, Special Accounts Management Unit – Canada, BMO Bank of Montreal, Business and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leader; Mr. Deland Kamanga, CFA - Group Head, BMO Wealth Management, Financial Specialist and Philanthropist; Dr. Claudette McGowan – Chief Executive Officer, Protexxa, Global Cybersecurity Leader and Human Rights Activist, Business Leader and Philanthropist

The Patrons of the UWI Toronto Benefit Awards are Dr. Donette Chin-Loy Chang, Mr. Andrew Chang, Ms. Brigette Chang, and joining them this year are Mr. Kevin Hibbert and Mrs. Ann-Marie Hibbert, both passionate supporters of higher education and the UWI Student Scholarship Fund. Mr. Hibbert was a recipient of the 2023 Vice Chancellor’s Award.

Lighting the Way Together demonstrates how together, community donations, financial support and inspiration provides a lifeline to students eager to fulfill their educational dreams.

Media Availability: 6:00pm – 6:30pm – 4th Floor (Honourees, Patrons and select VIPs)


Honouree Headshots

Red Carpet Cocktail Hour – 5:30pm – 7:00pm – 2nd Floor

Dinner, Awards Program, Entertainment – 7:00pm – 10:00pm – 2nd Floor

Air Canada Lyme (After Party) – 10:00pm – Midnight

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EDITOR’S NOTE: An image for use with this article is available HERE

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Parkland Corporation Announces Agreement with Largest Shareholder Simpson Oil; Builds on Longstanding Relationship

Ensures Simpson’s representation and continued support for Parkland to maximize shareholder value

Addresses letter received today from activist Engine Capital

CALGARY, AB, March 22, 2023 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Parkland Corporation (”Parkland”, “we”, the “Company”, or “our”) (TSX: PKI), today announced it has entered into an agreement dated March 21, 2023 (the “Agreement”) with its largest long-term shareholder Simpson Oil Limited (”Simpson Oil”).   The Agreement furthers the longstanding and successful relationship between Parkland and Simpson Oil. The Agreement provides Simpson Oil, holder of over 19% of the issued and outstanding Parkland shares, the right to designate up to two nominees for election to the Board of Directors of Parkland and includes customary voting support obligations in favour of the Board.

“We appreciate the confidence that Simpson Oil has shown in the Parkland Team and the Company’s strategic direction,” said Jim Pantelidis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Parkland. “Since Simpson Oil became our largest shareholder, we have continued to advance our strategy and strengthen our growth platform through prudent acquisitions, while increasing our dividend each year. Through this agreement we have secured our largest shareholders’ ongoing support for our Board of Directors and Management. We look forward to our continued relationship with Simpson Oil, and our mutual confidence and commitment in the long-term strategy and future of our business.”

Under the terms of the Agreement, two nominees of Simpson Oil will be nominated for election at the Company’s upcoming annual and special meeting of shareholders. “The Board will be recommending shareholders vote in favour of the nominees’ election at the upcoming shareholder meeting and we look forward to welcoming them to the Board should they be elected,” said Pantelidis. Additional details on the Agreement will be included in the Management Information Circular for the meeting that will be published in the coming days.

As part of the Board’s ongoing refreshment process, David Spencer and John Bechtold will not be standing for re-election at the meeting, a decision which has been planned for some time. “I want to thank David and John for their service to the Board and their tireless work on behalf of shareholders. Their vision, expertise, and guidance have helped us navigate complex challenges and achieve remarkable success,” said Pantelidis.

The full Agreement is available at

Addresses Letter Received from Engine Capital

Separately, the Company wishes to acknowledge receipt of a letter this morning from activist Engine Capital LP (”Engine Capital”).  The company will not speculate on the coincidental timing of activist Engine Capital’s letter in conjunction with today’s announced agreement with Simpson Oil.

As  previously announced, having purposefully accelerated acquisitions over the past two years, Parkland is focused on delivering value from the unique and integrated business it has built. The Company is focused on integrating its recent acquisitions, capturing synergies, lowering leverage, and enhancing shareholder returns. The company is also examining opportunities for dispositions where it creates strong returns for the Company’s shareholders.

Parkland actively communicates with all of its shareholders on an ongoing basis and will continue to do so.

About Parkland

Parkland is an international fuel distributor and retailer with operations in 25 countries. Our purpose is to Power Journeys and Energize Communities, and every day, we provide over one million customers with the essential fuels, convenience items and quality foods on which they depend.

With approximately 4,000 retail and commercial locations across Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean region, we have developed supply, distribution, and trading capabilities to accelerate growth and business performance. In addition to meeting our customers’ needs for essential fuels, we provide a range of choices to help them lower their environmental impact. These include carbon and renewables trading, solar power, renewables manufacturing and ultra-fast electric vehicle charging.

Our proven business model is centered around organic growth and our supply advantage, and is driven by scale, our integrated refinery and supply infrastructure, and focus on acquiring prudently, and integrating successfully. Our strategy is focused on developing the existing business in resilient markets, growing our food, convenience, and renewable energy businesses, and helping customers to decarbonize. Our business is underpinned by our people, and our values of safety, integrity, community, and respect, which are deeply embedded across our organization.


Parkland Corporation has retained Kingsdale Advisors as strategic shareholder advisor.  Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP is acting as legal counsel and Teneo is acting as strategic communication advisor.

Forward-Looking Statement

Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking information and statements (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). When used in this news release the words “expect”, “will”, “continue”, “strategy”, “focus” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements with respect to, among other things: Parkland’s business objectives, projects and plans and the execution and impact thereof; and its long-term strategy and relationship with its significant shareholder.

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. No assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Parkland does not undertake any obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements except as may be required by securities law. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of numerous risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to: general economic, market and business conditions; competitive action by other companies; refining and marketing margins; the ability of suppliers to meet commitments; actions by governmental authorities and other regulators including but not limited to increases in taxes or restricted access to markets; changes and developments in environmental and other regulations; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Parkland. See also the risks and uncertainties described in “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” included in Parkland’s Revised Annual Information Form dated March 21, 2023, and “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” included in the Q4 2022 MD&A dated March 2, 2023 , each filed on SEDAR and available on the Parkland website at

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Parkland Announces Date of 2022 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results

CALGARY, AB, Feb. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Parkland Corporation (”Parkland”, “we”, the “Company”, or “our”) (TSX: PKI) expects to announce its 2022 fourth-quarter and year-end results after markets close on Thursday, March 2, 2023. A conference call and webcast will then be held at 6:30 a.m. MST (8:30 a.m. EST) on Friday, March 3, 2023, to discuss the results.

Parkland Corporation Logo

To listen to the live webcast and watch the presentation, please use the following link:

Analysts and investors interested in participating in the question and answer session of the conference call may do so by calling 1-888-390-0546 (toll-free) (Conference ID:58680945). International participants may call 1-800-389-0704 (toll free) (Conference ID:58680945).

Please connect and log in approximately 10 minutes before the beginning of the call. The webcast will be available for replay two hours after the conference call ends at the link above. It will remain available for one year and will also be posted to

Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis will be posted to and after the results are released.

About Parkland Corporation

Parkland is an international fuel distributor and retailer with operations in twenty-five countries. Our purpose is to Power Journeys and Energize Communities, and every day, we provide over one million customers with the essential fuels, convenience items and quality foods on which they depend.

With approximately 4,000 retail and commercial locations across Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean region, we have developed supply, distribution, and trading capabilities to accelerate growth and business performance. In addition to meeting our customers’ needs for essential fuels, we provide a range of choices to help them lower their environmental impact. These include carbon and renewables trading, solar power, renewables manufacturing and ultrafast Electric Vehicle charging.

Our proven business model is centered around organic growth, our supply advantage, driven by scale and our integrated refinery and supply infrastructure, acquiring prudently, and integrating successfully. Our strategy is focused on developing our existing business in resilient markets, growing our food, convenience, and renewable energy businesses, and helping customers to decarbonize. Our business is underpinned by our people, and our values; safety, integrity, community, and respect, which are deeply embedded across our organization.

Logo -

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St Kitts and Nevis and Canada continue to implement initiatives that solidify the bilateral relationship

CARIBPR WIRE, Basseterre, St. Kitts, Mon. Nov. 21, 2022: The twin federation of St Kitts and Nevis has had a long and fruitful relationship with Canada and the two nations continue to develop initiatives that strengthen relations.

From 5 to 7 December 2022 the government of Canada will provide biometric processing of visa applications in St Kitts and Nevis. This comes as positive news as nationals of St Kitts and Nevis are normally required to travel abroad to centers in Barbados, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines, or even Trinidad and Tobago, to have their biometric information collected for Canadian visa applications.

The processing will be conducted by Canadian officials and this special arrangement is aimed at visa applicants that fall within one of the following categories:

  1. St Kitts and Nevis nationals who anticipate travel to Canada;
  2. Persons who have already applied online or by mail for a visa, work or study permit or for
    permanent residence for Canada and have received their Biometric Instruction Letter; and
  3. Nationals of other countries residing in St Kitts and Nevis are also required to provide their biometric information for planned travel to Canada.

When applying for a Canadian visa, whether for visitation, work, study, or for residence purposes, nationals of St Kitts and Nevis, as well as nationals from other countries, must provide biometric information such as fingerprints and an identity photograph.

Visa applicants are encouraged to complete an online visa application as soon as possible, in order to take advantage of this December opportunity. This could be of benefit to applicants planning to travel for educational purposes, business, tourism, family reunifications, and more.

Monday, November 28, 2022, is the last day to schedule an appointment for the available period in December. Appointment requests that are received after this date will not be accommodated unless appointments that have already been made are cancelled and a booking space becomes available.

Visa applicants must have a scheduled appointment and must bring along the required Biometrics Instruction Letter to their appointment. Officials will not collect applications or biometric information from applicants who have not received this letter.

The schedule for the collection of biometric information collection will take place from 08:30 to 17:30 on Monday to Wednesday, 5 to 7 December 2022, at the St Kitts Marriott Resort. Directions to the precise location within the hotel will be provided upon arrival.

In order to book an appointment for biometrics collection, please write to [email protected].

The governments of Canada and St Kitts and Nevis partner on a number of important issues, with an emphasis on matters of economic resilience and climate. St Kitts and Nevis has a High Commission in Ottawa and a consulate in Toronto, while Canada is represented in St Kitts and Nevis by the High Commission of Canada in Barbados, all of which help to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries.

According to the government of Canada, Canada’s merchandise exports to St Kitts and Nevis totaled CA$5.2 million and merchandise imports from St Kitts and Nevis totaled CA$2.9 million in 2021. During this period, Canada’s main exports to St Kitts and Nevis included live animals and animal products, food products, and metals.

Even before the recent COP27, Canada announced the CA$100 million pledge for Caribbean Reconstruction and Economic and Climate Resilience to support St Kitts and Nevis and the region in reconstruction and climate resilience, following the disastrous 2017 hurricane season in the Caribbean. According to the Canadian government, this included strengthening natural disaster planning and response through organizations such as the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency.

At the CARICOM Intersessional Meeting in February 2020, Canada announced an additional CA$61.5 million in new commitments for resilience, technical assistance, and education exchanges for the Caribbean. This includes, for example, the Canada-CARICOM Expert Deployment Mechanism, which provides technical assistance to CARICOM governments, including St Kitts and Nevis, to help diversify and strengthen the economy, build climate-resilient communities, and reduce gender and economic inequalities.

Canada is the largest contributor to the International Monetary Fund’s Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre, which has provided technical assistance to St Kitts and Nevis in internal audit, and tax and customs administration.

St Kitts and Nevis also works closely with Canada in multilateral domains such as the Commonwealth, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of American States (OAS), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

St Kitts and Nevis also benefits from the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, and Canada’s partnership with non-governmental organizations and regional institutions, such as St Kitts and Nevis-based Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank. Canada represents St Kitts and Nevis and other Caribbean nations on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Many investors from Canada and other wealthy nations have participated in citizenship by investment programme offered by the government of St Kitts and Nevis. This programme is the oldest and one of the most trusted programmes of its kind in the world. Since 1984, it has allowed investors and their families to legally obtain citizenship in one of the Caribbean’s most idyllic places. Through this programme, foreign investors to St Kitts and Nevis can obtain citizenship for life, with the right to live and work in the island country, the ability to share citizenship with future generations, and taking advantage of having more global mobility. St Kitts and Nevis also offers investors a fair tax regime, with no worldwide income, inheritance, or gift tax for tax residents.

There are two main ways in which an applicant can apply for citizenship under St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment programme: by donating to the country’s Sustainable Growth Fund or by investing in pre-approved real estate.

The country’s CBI programme is also undergoing an upgrade under the leadership of the new St Kitts and Nevis prime minister, Dr. Terrance Drew. The new changes will ensure strengthened legislative and administrative oversight of the programme to ensure that it meets the needs of a changing investor whilst also being beneficial to the local citizens. Prime Minister Drew is determined to retain the country’s CBI status – which is one of the best in the world.

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The Bank of Namibia Selects SQL Power’s Supervisory Platform to Strengthen Their Commitments to Growth

TORONTO, Feb. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ – SQL Power, the global leader in financial regulatory and advanced analytics technology is proud to announce that their supervisory platform, the SQL Power Suite, was selected by the Bank of Namibia (BON) as the technology framework to digitally transform the Bank.

SQL Power Group

The SQL Power Suite is the most robust and compelling Financial Supervisory solution in the World. Delivering the ultimate in regulator flexibility, self-sufficiency, efficiency, and transparency; increasing the likelihood of timely successful intervention while providing all interested parties with the ultimate confidence in the regulated market.

The BON is the country’s central bank with financial supervisory authority, whose role is to promote stability and reliability of the financial system as well as to ensure sustainability, growth, and effective consumer protection.

“The Bank is automating various business processes in three supervisory departments, namely Banking Supervision Department, Payment and Settlement Systems Department and Exchange Control Division. This will assist our teams to work faster and more efficiently and effectively, saving our staff time and improving the reputation of the Bank, as we strive to improve on our service delivery and stakeholder satisfaction goals internally and externally.

The Interdepartmental Project will improve the work environment and place high-tech resources and expert digital skills at our disposal to carry-out our day-to-day activities. This change improves our work environment, improves efficiency, and improves tracking and delegating of responsibilities in our processes.” Leonie Dunn – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Namibia

As regulators struggle to keep up with the accelerating pace of regulatory change, SQL Power’s highly configurable supervisory platform automates every aspect of financial regulation from registration to data collection to on-site examination and investigations; Ultimately future-proofing the Central Bank with a unified and flexible supervisory platform that will satisfy their regulatory requirements for decades to come.

“I am confident that the Bank of Namibia’s digital transformation initiative will be a huge success and will serve as a showcase implementation for all Central Banks in Africa and around the World,” said Sam Selim, President of SQL Power.

About SQL Power

Founded in 1989, SQL Power Group Inc. is a global application software firm specializing in data collection, data integration, business intelligence, and regulatory implementations.

Since implementing the first supervisory solution in Canada in 2009, SQL Power has been at the forefront of financial regulatory software innovation – rolling out the world’s first fully-integrated XBRL-based data collection, risk management, case management, and advanced analytics solution that evolves seamlessly with evolving Global Financial Standards and customer needs.

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Highgate Systems Announces Organisational Changes

CaribPR Wire, MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Jan. 18, 2022: Highgate Systems is pleased to announce the appointment of Oluwatobi (Tobi) Boshoro as the new Managing Director of Highgate Systems. Ms. Boshoro brings over 20 years of successful strategic digital transformation within the e-business, commerce and digital payments sector.

Previously, Ms. Boshoro served as the CEO of Renmoney, a leading fintech lending and wealth management company as well as the SVP – Digital Strategy, Issuing & Service Management for Standard Bank Group and various senior positions at Interswitch Group. She is an alumnus of the Harvard Business School, having completed multiple Executive Management programs and holds a M.Sc. Strategic Marketing degree from Cranfield University’s School of Management and a B.Sc. in Economics from Ogun State University.

Barry Walsh, Chairman of Bevertec Group of Companies stated, “We are pleased to welcome Tobi Boshoro as the new Managing Director of Highgate Systems and look forward to her insight and guidance. Ms. Boshoro’s significant digital transformation experience across a range of international fintech companies will be invaluable to Highgate Systems. With her leadership, we will continue to elevate our client’s ability to provide a world class digital banking experience to their members and customers.”

Highgate Systems would also like to thank Kelley Gray for her dedication and leadership since joining the company in November 2019 and remaining true to our goals, including:

  • Strategic leadership implementing a process driven approach to maximise efficiencies and better support our customer base;
  • Strengthen customer and partner relationships to drive growth; and
  • Attracting world-class talent to support system portfolio stabilisation.

Ms. Gray will continue to support Highgate Systems throughout the transition to Ms. Boshoro before she moves into her new role as the Vice President of Infrastructure & Strategic Solutions at Bevertec Group of Companies. In her new capacity she will continue to spearhead the platform stabilisation initiatives and work in concert with Ms. Boshoro to continue to grow and strengthen our customer and partner relationships.

About Highgate Systems

Highgate Systems as a member of the Bevertec Group of Companies is a trusted provider of banking and lending solutions to international banking and financial institution clients. These solutions bring to market the latest innovations to increase profitability, decrease the total cost of ownership, maximize operational efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance. Founded in 1986, Highgate has grown wonderfully over the years boasting clients in many countries. Their team of experienced technology and banking professionals work with clients to provide innovative solutions and help clients grow their businesses.

For more information, please contact [email protected]

5025 Orbitor Drive, Building 2, Suite 400, Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y5

+1 416 620 6683 | [email protected] |

Highgate Systems anuncia cambios organizacionales

CaribPR Wire, MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Jan. 18, 2022: Highgate Systems se complace en anunciar el nombramiento de Oluwatobi (Tobi) Boshoro como nuevo Director General de Highgate Systems. La Sra. Boshoro aporta más de 20 años de transformación digital estratégica exitosa dentro del sector de comercio electrónico, comercio y pagos digitales. Anteriormente, la Sra. Boshoro se desempeñó como directora ejecutiva de Renmoney, una empresa líder en gestión de patrimonio y préstamos de tecnología financiera, así como también como vicepresidenta sénior de estrategia digital, emisión y gestión de servicios para Standard Bank Group y varios puestos de alto nivel en Interswitch Group. Es exalumna de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard, completó múltiples programas de Administración Ejecutiva y tiene un M.Sc. Licenciatura en Marketing Estratégico de la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad de Cranfield y un B.Sc. en Economía de la Universidad Estatal de Ogun. Barry Walsh, presidente de Bevertec Group of Companies, declaró: “Nos complace dar la bienvenida a Tobi Boshoro como nueva directora general de Highgate Systems y esperamos su conocimiento y orientación. La importante experiencia de transformación digital de la Sra. Boshoro en una variedad de empresas tecnología financiera internacionales será invaluable para Highgate Systems. Con su liderazgo, continuaremos elevando la capacidad de nuestros clientes para brindar una experiencia de banca digital de clase mundial a sus miembros y clientes”. Highgate Systems también desea agradecer a Kelley Gray por su dedicación y liderazgo desde que se unió a la empresa en noviembre de 2019 y se mantuvo fiel a nuestros objetivos, que incluyen: • Liderazgo estratégico implementando un enfoque basado en procesos para maximizar la eficiencia y apoyar mejor a nuestra base de clientes; • Fortalecer las relaciones con clientes y socios para impulsar el crecimiento; y • Atraer talento de clase mundial para crear un sistema de soporte para la transformación de la cartera de clientes. La Sra. Gray continuará apoyando a Highgate Systems durante la transición a la Sra. Boshoro antes de asumir su nuevo cargo como Vicepresidenta de Infraestructura y Soluciones Estratégicas en Bevertec Group of Companies. En su nuevo puesto, continuará encabezando las iniciativas de transformación de la plataforma y trabajará en conjunto con la Sra. Boshoro para continuar creciendo y fortaleciendo nuestras relaciones con clientes y socios. Acerca de Highgate Systems Highgate Systems, como miembro del grupo de empresas Bevertec, es un proveedor de confianza de soluciones bancarias y crediticias para clientes de instituciones bancarias y financieras internacionales. Estas soluciones traen al mercado las últimas innovaciones para aumentar la rentabilidad, disminuir el costo total de propiedad, maximizar la eficiencia operativa y garantizar el cumplimiento normativo. Fundada en 1986, Highgate ha crecido continuamente y cuenta con clientes en muchos países. Su equipo de profesionales experimentados en tecnología y banca trabaja con los clientes para proporcionar soluciones innovadoras y ayudar a los clientes a hacer crecer sus negocios.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese por favor con [email protected]

5025 Orbitor Drive, Building 2, Suite 400, Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y5

+1 416 620 6683 | [email protected] |
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Wazzcards Launches Free Financial Literacy Program Targeting Black, Indigenous And Low-Income Communities

The Virtual Classroom will be offered in the Caribbean and North America

For Immediate Release

CaribPR Wire, Toronto, ON, Mon. August 16, 2021: Wazzio Inc. launches its new Financial Literacy WazzCards pilot program on Monday August 16th, 2021, for students in grades 5 to 8 for a two-week period. WazzCards is a real-time virtual classroom tool with teacher certified curriculum that drives engagement, participation and learning in children while empowering parents and teachers to support students right when there is an issue.

“We want to ensure students – especially those identified as at-risk in Black, Indigenous and low-income families or situations – don’t fall further behind.  With the disruptions due to Covid-19 and now summer, it is even more critical to keep kids actively engaged in learning in a way that will bolster their education and spark their interest,” explains Wazzio CEO Cher Grant.

The Financial Literacy WazzCards classroom can be accessed via Zoom and there will be a total of 8 classes capped at 30 students each.

WazzCards is a multiple-choice deck content created by certified teachers that allows a real-time view of your virtual classroom and can also be used for in-class learning. Both ways offer a fun, engaging way for the teacher or parent to see how each child responds to and works with the selected deck’s questions without any lag time. WazzCards covers core curriculum subjects such as Math, Science, History and Language, however Cher’s push to have financial literacy at the forefront is a purposeful one.

“By including financial literacy in the WazzCard tool we have been able to provide a way for young learners to develop a foundational understanding of money and finance and for parents to practically prepare their children for a successful future by laying the groundwork for strong financial habits that will last them a lifetime,” Grant added.

Wazzio Inc. is also looking for volunteer Ontario Certified teachers to be a part of the pilot program. Click here for students or parents to book a financial literacy class.

For more info: | Instagram | LinkedIn

Wazzio Inc was founded in 2013 with a commitment to facilitate ease of access to the information and services people need and use in every facet of life, from business, social and leisure to education. Focusing on mobile technology solutions, consumer solutions and EdTech, Wazzio simplifies the process of consuming, sharing and learning anytime, anywhere.  Wazzio Inc. is certified by Women Business Enterprises Canada (WBE Canada) and conducts business in Canada and the United States.

To Book Interviews with Wazzio CEO Cher Grant Contact:

Janice James-Brown |FKB Media Solutions | [email protected]


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Parkland advances its track record of energy transition leadership in British Columbia; announces BC’s largest EV ultra-fast charging network

CaribPR Wire, CALGARY, Alberta, June 21, 2021: Parkland Corporation (“Parkland”, “we”, “our”, or “the Company”) (TSX:PKI) is pleased to announce plans to launch the largest network (by site count) of Electric Vehicle (“EV”) ultra-fast chargers in British Columbia (“BC”), Canada. Strategically located on major highways and in key cities and towns across Parkland’s extensive retail portfolio, this network of approximately 25 high-quality sites will stretch from Vancouver Island to Calgary and is expected to open to customers in 2022.

“Parkland’s purpose is to power journeys and energize communities and for over 50 years we have served our customers’ evolving energy and convenience needs,” said Bob Espey, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Coupled with our track record of renewable fuel manufacturing, our ultra-fast charging network is one of many disciplined, focused investments we are making as part of our approach to energy transition.”

“We are committed to meeting customer demand and learning about customer preferences in emerging EV markets,” added Donna Sanker, President Parkland Canada. “While adoption is in its early phases, BC leads the way in North America, making this province a natural, scalable step for our EV charging network. Our BC retail portfolio covers major population centres and highway corridors and includes our high-quality convenience stores and exclusive Triple O’s food offering. Collectively, these create convenience destinations where customers can shop, eat and use complimentary wi-fi while they charge their vehicles.”

Helping customers make the most of every stop
We will install, own, and operate up to 100 EV ultra-fast charging ports at approximately 25 of our existing retail locations. The charging ports will be branded ON the RUN to connect with our well-established convenience store brand at our retail sites. Highlights will include:

  • Network Coverage: Strategically located on highways and in major destinations including Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver, Whistler, Abbotsford, Kelowna, Penticton, Kamloops, Revelstoke and into Calgary.
  • Ultra-fast Charging: Delivering up to a 150-kilowatt charge, Parkland’s ON the RUN ultra-fast chargers will be capable of delivering up to an 80 percent charge to most EV’s in approximately 20 minutes.
  • Customer Amenities and Convenience: Vast majority of locations will feature an ON the RUN convenience store, Triple O’s restaurant and complimentary wi-fi, enabling customers to make the most of every stop.
  • Maximum Compatibility: ON the RUN ultra-fast chargers will be compatible with most popular EV models.

Advancing our track record of energy transition leadership
The addition of an EV ultra-fast charging network in BC which connects to Calgary is a natural and scalable extension to how we power our customers’ journeys. In parallel, and as part of our broader energy transition activities, we will continue to focus on our leading renewable fuel manufacturing capabilities in BC. We look forward to providing more details of our energy transition strategy through 2021 and at our November Investor Day.

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking information and statements (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements with respect to, among other things: Parkland’s plans to launch a network of EV fast chargers in BC; the expected geography of Parkland’s EV charging network; the branding of Parkland’s planned EV charging network; technical capability of the EV network, including amount of charge, time to charge and compatibility with the market of EVs; and Parkland’s focus on renewable fuel manufacturing capabilities in BC.

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. No assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Parkland does not undertake any obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements except as required by securities law. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of numerous risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, general economic, market and business conditions; the ability of suppliers to meet commitments; Parkland’s ability to negotiate the required right of way’s in order to install the EV chargers; unexpected delays that affect Parkland’s ability to achieve its targets in this press release; actions by governmental authorities and other regulators; changes and developments in regulations; ability to obtain required government or regulatory approval; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Parkland. See also the risks and uncertainties described in “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” included in Parkland’s Annual Information Form and in “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” in Parkland’s quarterly and annual MD&A, each as filed on SEDAR and available on the Parkland website at

About Parkland
Parkland is an independent supplier and marketer of fuel and petroleum products and a leading convenience store operator. Parkland services customers across Canada, the United States, the Caribbean region, and the Americas through three channels: Retail, Commercial and Wholesale. Parkland optimizes its fuel supply across these three channels by operating and leveraging a growing portfolio of supply relationships and storage infrastructure. Parkland provides trusted and locally relevant fuel brands and convenience store offerings in the communities it serves.

Parkland creates value for shareholders by focusing on its proven strategy of growing organically, realizing a supply advantage, and acquiring prudently and integrating successfully. At the core of our strategy are our people, as well as our values of safety, integrity, community, and respect, which are embraced across our organization.

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Parkland extends relationship with Triple O’s restaurants to bring fresh, high quality food options to On the Run locations in new Canadian markets

CaribPR Wire, CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 24, 2020: Parkland Fuel Corporation (“Parkland”) (TSX: PKI) announced today a multi-year agreement to strengthen its already extensive range of freshly prepared, high quality meal options by expanding its existing, long-standing relationship with Triple O’s restaurants.

This new and exclusive agreement builds on the success of Parkland’s existing network of convenience stores which feature Triple O’s in British Columbia. Importantly, it paves the way for more restaurants in British Columbia, as well as Triple O’s entry into new and densely populated markets in Alberta and Ontario.

“We look forward to working with Triple O’s to expand their presence in BC and launch their high-quality food brand and award-winning menu into Alberta and Ontario,” said Ian White, Parkland’s Senior Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Innovation. “As part of our organic growth strategy, our goal is to include a high-quality food offering in every new and retrofitted On the Run convenience store.”

The combination of Parkland’s powerful network of fuel brands, accompanied by Triple O’s freshly prepared, high-quality, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options strongly complement Parkland’s already extensive food offering and is a natural, differentiated extension to its On the Run convenience store brand.

“This is an exciting day for the Triple O’s family,” said Warren Erhart, President of White Spot Hospitality. “We have a longstanding and successful partnership with Parkland in British Columbia and look forward to expanding on this success in new markets. With consumers’ evolving needs for convenience and premium quality food, it is with great pride and passion that we are now able to share our delicious and craveable taste of Triple O’s with our signature burgers, fresh-cut Kennebec fries and hand-scooped milkshakes, to so many more Canadians. Simply put, Triple O’s offers a taste like no other!”

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking information and statements (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements with respect to, among other things, strengthening the range of freshly prepared meal options, expanding Parkland’s relationship with Triple O’s; expansion of Triple O’s presence in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario; including a good offering in every new and retrofitted On the Run convenience store; statements related to operational efficiency; business objectives and growth strategies.

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. No assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Parkland does not undertake any obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements except as required by securities law. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of numerous risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, general economic, market and business conditions; industry capacity; competitive action by other companies; the ability of suppliers to meet commitments; actions by governmental authorities and other regulators; changes and developments in regulations; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Parkland. See also the risks and uncertainties described in “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” included in Parkland’s Annual Information Form and in “Forward-Looking Information” and “Risk Factors” in Parkland’s quarterly MD&A, each as filed on SEDAR and available on the Parkland website at

About Parkland

Parkland is an independent supplier and marketer of fuel and petroleum products and a leading convenience store operator. Parkland services customers across Canada, the United States, the Caribbean region and the Americas through three channels: Retail, Commercial and Wholesale. Parkland optimizes its fuel supply across these three channels by operating and leveraging a growing portfolio of supply relationships and storage infrastructure. Parkland provides trusted and locally relevant fuel brands and convenience store offerings in the communities it serves.

Parkland creates value for shareholders by focusing on its proven strategy of growing organically, realizing a supply advantage and acquiring prudently and integrating successfully. At the core of our strategy are our people, as well as our values of safety, integrity, community and respect, which are embraced across our organization.

About Triple O’s
Triple O’s Restaurants is a division of White Spot Hospitality, Canada’s longest-running restaurant chain since 1928. With over 60 premium quick service restaurants throughout British Columbia, Alberta and Asia, our guests can enjoy our signature burgers made with 100% fresh Canadian beef and Secret Triple “O” Sauce, fresh-cut Kennebec fries and hand-scooped milkshakes. Our restaurants offer a casual and authentic West Coast dining experience at Chevron gas stations, free-standing restaurants, sports arenas and on university and college campuses. White Spot Hospitality is proud to be recognized with the platinum status designation as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies, one of Canada’s top 150 iconic brands as awarded by Interbrand Canada, awarded a gold medal for excellence in franchising by the Canadian Franchise Association and as one of BC’s Most Loved Brands as recognized by Ipsos.

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